

单词 to-scatter
释义 to-ˈscatter, v. Obs.
[ME. to-scater-en, f. to-2 + scateren, scatter v.]
trans. To scatter abroad, disperse.
1382Wyclif 2 Chron. xxxiv. 7 Whanne the auters he hadde to-scaterede..he is turnede aȝein in to Jerusalem.Jer. vi. 5 To-scatere wee ther houses.c1386Chaucer Sompn. T. 261 Lo ech thyng that is oned in it selue Is moore strong than whan it is toscatered.1494Fabyan Chron. vi. ccxvii. 236 Lastely Harolde was wounded in the iye with an arowe..& was slayne, and his people to scatered.
b. intr. To part asunder, go to pieces. rare.
13..Cast. Love (Halliw.) 1556 Castell, toure, boure ne halle, But thei shulle to-skatur and downfalle.




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