

单词 preraphaelite
释义 Pre-Raphaelite, preraphaelite, præ-, n. and a.|priːˈræfeɪəlaɪt|
Also -Raffael-.
[f. pre- B. 1 + the proper name Raphael (It. Raffaello, Raffaele) + -ite1.]
A. n.
1. An artist who aims at producing work in the spirit which generally imbued art before the time of Raphael (or, more especially, before his later work and that of his successors); spec. one of the group of English artists, including Holman-Hunt, Millais, and D. G. Rossetti, who c 1848 called themselves the ‘Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood’ (P.R.B.).
1849W. M. Rossetti The P.R.B. Journal in Præraph. Diaries & Lett. (1900) 209. ― Ibid. 19 Nov., ibid. 231 Tonight was a P.R.B. meeting at Millais's, at which we were all present with the exception of Woolner.1849D. G. Rossetti Let. to J. Collinson 25 Oct., ibid. 13 Dear P.R.B. [= Brother], On the road hither last night I [etc.].
1850Blackw. Mag. July 82/1 The mountebank proceedings of a small number of artists, who..are endeavouring to set up a school of their own. We allude to the pre-Raphaelites.1851Ruskin Pre-Raphaelitism 27 The Pre-Raphaelites imitate no pictures: they paint from nature only.1854Fairholt Dict. Terms Art, Pre-Raphaelites, a school of modern artists, who profess to follow the mode of study and expression adopted by the early painters who flourished before the time of Raphael, and whose principal theory of action is a rigid adherence to natural forms and effects.1862‘Shirley’ Nugæ Crit. vi. 271 We are all præraphaelites. Mr. Millais' gawky girls, and Mr. Dyce's skinny saints, have gained the day.1875Helps Ess. 107 The luxuriance and beauty of the water-weeds and of the bulrushes..would have given work to a pre-Raffaelite for a year.1882W. Hamilton æsthetic Movement (ed. 3) 11 It pleased Mr. Buchanan, in his attack on the Pre-Raphaelites and æsthetes, to stigmatise The Germ as an unwholesome publication.1907W. M. Rossetti in Let. to Editor, I myself write the words thus, Præraphaelite and Præraphaelitism.
2. One of the painters who preceded Raphael.
1862[see Pre-Raphaelism].
B. adj. (or attrib. use of n.)
1. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the Pre-Raphaelites, or their principles and style.
1849[see A. 1].1851Art Jrnl. 1 July 185/1 The attempts of a few young men who style themselves the Pre-Raffael-ite school, but more properly might be called the Gothic school.1851Ruskin Pre-Raphaelitism 27 The Pre-Raphaelite pictures are just as superior to the early Italian in skill of manipulation, power of drawing, and knowledge of effect, as inferior to them in grace of design.1853Lect. Archit. iv. §132 Every Pre-Raphaelite landscape background is painted to the last touch, in the open air, from the thing itself.1857Athenæum 7 Feb. 176/3 If our Crabbe be a poet (and a Pre-Raphaelite poet Crabbe was, long ere the Pre-Raphaelite style was dreamed of).1860Hawthorne Marb. Faun xxxii, A pre-Raphaelite artist..might find an admirable subject in one of these Tuscan girls.1873Hamerton Th. about Art xiii. 184 The Pre-Raphaelite movement is understood to have combined two very distinct aims: first, the intellectual elevation of art by the choice of noble and original subjects, and, secondly, its technical advancement by a new and minute analysis of nature.1905Holman-Hunt Pre-Raphaelitism I. 101 In our final estimation this picture [Raphael's Transfiguration] was a signal step in the decadence of Italian art. When we had advanced this opinion to other students, they, as a reductio ad absurdum, had said, ‘Then you are Pre-Raphaelite’. Referring to this as we worked side by side, Millais and I laughingly agreed that the designation must be accepted.
2. Existing before Raphael.
1855Motley Corr. (1889) I. vi. 182 In these pre-Raphaelite productions Florence is very rich.1882W. Hamilton æsthetic Movement 1 Enthusiastic in their admiration of early Italian art and the mediaeval Pre-Raphaelite painters.




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