

单词 tinct
释义 I. tinct, n. Now only poet.|tɪŋkt|
[ad. L. tinct-us a dyeing, f. tingĕre to dye, stain.]
1. Colour, hue, tint; colouring matter, dye: = tincture n. 1, 2.
1602Shakes. Ham. iii. iv. 91 There I see such blacke and grained spots, As will not leave their tinct.1611Cymb. ii. ii. 23 White and Azure lac'd With Blew of Heauens owne tinct.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Tinct, or Teint (Lat.), a Colouring.1748Thomson Cast. Indol. i. xliv, Raising a world of gayer tinct and grace.a1855Miss Mitford Poems, A Portrait, Such brilliant white, such rosy tinct, The apple blossom shows.1861Wynter Soc. Bees 500 The difference of colour is entirely owing to the tinct of the fluid which fills the hollow tube in each hair.1884Browning Ferishtah, Bean-Stripe 347 There's no single tinct Would satisfy the eye's desire to taste The secret of the diamond.
b. fig. A touch, trace, tinge (of something): = tincture n. 4.
1752Foote Taste i. Wks. 1799 I. 8 If I do now and then add some tincts of antiquity to my pictures.1794Mrs. Piozzi Synon. II. 195 That lovely season of life gives to every thing a tinct of its own greenness.
2. Alch. A transmuting elixir; = tincture n. 6. Obs.
1471Ripley Comp. Alch. xii. i. in Ashm. Theat. Chem. Brit. (1652) 184 And Tynct in Projeccyon all Fyers to abyde.1601Shakes. All's Well v. iii. 102 Platus himselfe, That knowes the tinct and multiplying med'cine.1606Ant. & Cl. i. v. 37 Yet comming from him, that great Med'cine hath With his Tinct gilded thee.
II. tinct, ppl. a. poet.
[ad. L. tinct-us, pa. pple. of tingĕre: see prec.]
Coloured, tinted; dyed, tinged; imbued. Const. as pa. pple.
1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Nov. 107 The blew in black, the greene in gray is tinct.1615R. Brathwait Strappado, etc. (1878) 284 Her sanguine colour tinct with Lyons iawes.1819Keats Eve St. Agnes xxx, Lucent syrops, tinct with cinnamon.1839Bailey Festus xxxi. (1852) 530 In robes Of seagreen hue, engirdled with a zone All variously tinct.
III. tinct, v. Obs.
Also 6 tinkt.
[f. L. tinct-, ppl. stem of tingĕre to dye, colour. First used in pa. pple. tincted: cf. tinct ppl. a.]
1. trans. To colour; to dye; to tinge, tint.
1594Plat Jewell-ho. ii. 22 Water deepelie died, or tincted with..colour of the hearbe.1596Drayton Leg. ii. 541 My delicious Cheeke Tinkted with Crimson.1626B. Jonson Masque, Fort. Isles, I will but touch your Temples,..and tinct the Tip, the very Tip of your Nose.a1648Digby Chym. Secr. ii. (1682) 174 It will Tinct itself as red as blood.1650Ashmole Chym. Collect. 127 A Dry earthy Body tincts not unlesse it be tincted.1686Goad Celest. Bodies ii. xiii. 337 In dry Seasons the Solar Halo's are sometimes tincted with red.
2. transf. and fig. To imbue or impregnate with some substance or quality, esp. in a slight degree; to tinge, tincture, taint.
a. with a physical substance or quality: = tincture v. 2 a.
a1626Bacon New Atl. (1650) 27 Artificiall Wells and Fountaines, made in Imitation of the Naturall Sources and Bathes; As tincted upon Vitrioll, Sulphur, Steele, Brasse, Lead, Nitre, and other Mineralls.1626Sylva §882 So the strainer itself is tincted with salt.1638Rawley tr. Bacon's Life & Death (1650) 48 That towards the Morning, there be used some Anointing, or Shirt tincted with Oyle.1644Digby Nat. Bodies xxiv. (1658) 280 Although the heart should be tincted from its first origine with an undue virtue from some part.
b. with a mental or moral quality, or with knowledge, etc.: = tincture v. 2 b.
1599B. Jonson Ev. Man out of Hum. Ded., To take it in your hands, perhaps may make some bencher, tincted with humanity, read and not repent him.1666Sancroft Lex Ignea 23 Conjectures..so tincted and debaucht with private prejudice.a1734North Exam. i. iii. §15 (1740) 132 To suppose his Reader..tincted beforehand with what was ordinarily understood by the Plot.
3. Alch. To subject to a transmuting elixir: see tincture n. 6.
1599[see tincting below].1601Dolman La Primaud. Fr. Acad. (1618) III. 844 Iron too much concocted and highly tincted, is easily changed into brasse.1610B. Jonson Alch. ii. iii, I meane to tinct C [a retort] in sand-heat to-morrow, And giue him imbibition.1655Fulke's Meteors, Observ. 163 Cyprus Copper is made of Brasse and Iron.., and high tincted is easily changed into Brass, and rechanged..into Copper.
Hence ˈtincted ppl. a., ˈtincting vbl. n.
1599Thynne Animadv. (1875) 33 Fermentacione ys a peculier terme of Alchemye..whiche is before tinctinge, or gyvinge tincture or cooler.1626Bacon Sylva §960 Tincted Lanthorns, or Tincted Skreens of Glasse Coloured into Green, Blew, Carnation &c.1672Boyle in Phil. Trans. VII. 5110, I applied a seal'd Weather glass, furnished with tincted spirit of wine.




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