

单词 familiarize
释义 familiarize, v.|fəˈmɪlɪəraɪz|
[f. familiar a. + -ize.]
trans. To make familiar.
1. trans. To make (a thing, rarely a person) familiar or well-known.
a1639Wotton Let., Reliq. Wotton. (1672) 478 Intending..to familiarize it [final resignation of ourselves] between us as much as I can.1774Warton Hist. Eng. Poetry xxi. (1840) II. 271 Wethamstede..being desirous of familiarising the history of his patron saint to the monks of his convent.1846Joyce Sci. Dial. i. 2 Your drawing compasses may familiarize to your mind the idea of an angle.1875W. S. Hayward Love agst. World 14 Horses and hounds recognized that shout, familiarized to them by many a good run.
b. To render familiar or accustomed; to divest of strangeness.
1608Sylvester Du Bartas 630 Long continuance and custome..Familiarizing so the fit, that..one may almost forget it.1711Addison Spect. No. 159 ⁋3 The Genius smiled upon me with a Look of..Affability that familiarized him to my Imagination.1768Johnson Pref. Shaks. Wks. IX. 245 Shakespeare..familiarizes the wonderful.1779Cowper Let. Wks. 1837 XV. 45 Long habit and custom are able to familiarize to us things much more disagreeable than this.
2. a. To put (a person) on a footing of intimacy. (rare.) b. To render (a person's manner) familiar or affable. (obs.) c. refl. and intr. for refl. To adopt a familiar and courteous demeanour. Also in a bad sense: ‘To make oneself cheap’. Now rare.
a.1754Richardson Grandison V. xvii. 96, I should be glad..to be familiarized to the Ladies of your family.1858Hawthorne Ancestral Footstep (1883) 501 Middleton on his arrival..is familiarized at the Hospital.
b.1709Steele Tatler No. 127 ⁋9 For the Cure of this particular Sort of Madness [haughtiness] it will be necessary to..familiarize his Carriage by the Use of a good Cudgel.1761–2Hume Hist. Eng. (1806) V. lxxi. 321 It was very difficult for him..to soften or familiarize it [his address].
c.1685Gracian's Courtier's Orac. 163 He that familiarizes himself, presently loses the Superiority that his serious air gave him.1697C'tess D'Aunoy's Trav. (1706) 22 She at length familiariz'd herself, and told me, 'Twas not through fear of anything else but of displeasing me.a1734North Lives II. 418 He..familiarized with his equals, and gave no offence to his inferiors.1748Richardson Clarissa (1811) IV. 157 We had familiarized to each other long ago.1886Harper's Mag. Aug. 377 Captain T. Cook..is another type of the reserved man who does not familiarize with the passengers.
3. To bring into familiar or common use; to popularize. Now rare.
1752Johnson Rambler No. 208 ⁋11, I have familiarized the terms of philosophy by applying them to popular ideas.1779–81L.P., Pope Wks. IV. 74 This mode of imitation, in which the ancients are familiarised, by adapting their sentiments to modern topicks.1807W. Taylor in Ann. Rev. V. 563 The discussion served to familiarize the words congress, general government [etc.].1834Brayley Graph. & Hist. Illust. Pref., It was my wish to familiarize Archæological inquiries.
b. To give a familiar form to (a name).
1804W. Irving Life & Lett. (1864) I. vi. 94 An invincible propensity to familiarize the names of people.
4. To accustom (a person, one's mind, etc.) to, into, or to do (something); to habituate. Now rare.
1646J. Temple Irish Rebell. 7 They began to..suffer..their English followers to familiarize themselves into their beastly manners and customes.1734Mem. Geo. Psalmanazar 214 To..exert my talents in.. familiarising myself to this pretended Formosan language and character.1830Herschel Stud. Nat. Phil. 22 By familiarising us..to walk uprightly.1833J. H. Newman Lett. (1891) I. 483 To familiarise the imagination of the reader to an Apostolical state of the Church.1848Loss & Gain 239 Intending to familiarize my parishioners to it by little and little.
b. To make (a person or oneself) well acquainted, or to feel at ease, at home with.
a1687Petty Pol. Arith. i. (1691) 17 He is familiarized with Hardships and Hazards.1741J. Lawry & H. Heaton Athenian Lett. (1792) I. 147 Having familiariz'd myself much of late with the hieroglyphical imagery.1815Moore Lalla R. Pref. (1850) 10 To..familiarise myself with its various treasures.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) I. ii. 98 Wolsey..familiarized Henry with the sense that a reformation was inevitable.1863Tyndall Heat iii. 61 My object here is to familiarise your minds with the general conception of atomic motion.
absol.1834Fonblanque Engl. under 7 Administr. (1837) III. 23 The first effect may be to startle; but the second will be to familiarise.
5. To domesticate, tame (an animal). Cf. familiar a. Obs.
1634W. Tirwhyt tr. Balzac's Lett. 205 Since we are forced to live among savage creatures, wee had neede..to familiarise..them.1682Norris Hierocles 35 Which is the method men take to tame and familiarize wild beasts.
Hence faˈmiliarized ppl. a., faˈmiliarizer, one who familiarizes, faˈmiliarizing ppl. a., faˈmiliaˌrizingly adv.
1654Whitlock Zootomia 241 This familiarized Book [Bible].1726–7Swift Gulliver iii. vii, I soon grew so familiarized to the sight of spirits that..they gave me no emotion at all.1832Lander Adv. Niger I. v. 215 Their faces had become familiarized to us.1872Proctor Ess. Astron. iii. 37 In the less dignified rôle of a familiariser he was not successful.1876Black Mad-cap V. viii. 73 She would have got familiarised with us, and stayed on indefinitely.1890J. H. Stirling Gifford Lect. x. 179 Jehovah, whom German and French Writers have taken of late, degradingly and I suppose familiarisingly, to call Jahve.




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