

单词 exustion
释义 eˈxustion Obs.
[ad. L. exustiōn-em, n. of action f. exūrĕre (see exust). Cf. OF. exustion.]
a. The action or process of burning or burning up (something).
b. Heat attendant upon disease.
a.1610P. Barrough Meth. Physick v. xiii. (1634) 299 You must use some hote burning instrument..After exustion, minister the juyce of Leekes and other such things as do drie.1651Raleigh's Ghost 353 The generall exustion and burning of the world.1720S. Parker Bibl. Biblica (Gen. xix. 25) I. 424 The frightful Effects which this Exustion [of Sodom and Gomorrah] left are still remaining.
b.1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 712 It allayes inflammations, exustions and hot distempers.




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