

单词 extort
释义 I. exˈtort, ppl. a. Obs.
Also 5–6 extorte.
[ad. L. extort-us, pa. pple. of extorquēre: see next.]
a. Extorted, wrongfully obtained (rarely as pa. pple.).
b. esp. in extort power; whence a sense = ‘extortionate’ (in extort exactions).
1430Lydg. Chron. Troy v. xxxvi, By extorte tytle false successyon.1492Plumpton Corr. 264 Intendinge..to keepe the same [land] by extort power contrary to the law.1540Act 32 Hen. VIII, c. 24 The extorte exactions of innumerable summes of monei.1596Spenser F.Q. v. ii. 5 Hauing great Lordships got and goodly farmes, Through strong oppression of his powre extort.Ibid. v. x. 25 A Citie..by force extort out of her hand By her strong foe.
II. extort, v.|ɛkˈstɔːt|
Also 6 extorte.
[f. L. extort- ppl. stem of extorquēre, f. ex- out + torquēre to twist.]
literally, To wrest or wring (something) from a person; to extract by torture.
1. trans. To obtain from a reluctant person by violence, torture, intimidation, or abuse of legal or official authority, or (in weaker sense) by importunity, overwhelming arguments, or any powerful influence. Const. of, from, out of, upon.
a. with obj. money, payments, etc. Also absol. to practise extortion.
1529in Fiddes Wolsey ii. 175 Not for good order of the diocess but to extort treasure.c1555Fisher's Wks., Life 141 Lykwise for diuers bribes extorted vpon manie of his subiects.1585Abp. Sandys Serm. (1841) 287 He went..not to poll and pill, to extort and wring out of the people what he could; but..to do good.1611Shakes. Cymb. iii. i. 48 The..Romans, did extort This Tribute from vs.1624Capt. Smith Virginia (1629) 120 They would hold it worse than sacrilege to..extort upon the common souldier a penny.1716–8Lady M. W. Montague Lett. I. xxx. 98 The villages are so poor, that only force could extort from them necessary provisions.1820Miss Mitford in L'Estrange Life II. iv. 87 Taxes..are only extorted by threatening notices.1883Law Rep. 11 Q. Bench Div. 577 That the lord of a manor may ask for as much as he thinks that he can extort from the copyhold tenant.
absol.c1592Marlowe Jew of Malta ii. ii, With extorting, cozening [etc.]..I fill'd the jails with bankrouts in a year.1598R. Barckley Felic. Man ii. (1603) 125 Bribing and extorting upon his subjects.1764Goldsm. Hist. Eng. in Lett. (1772) I. 104 He extorted from the Jews..without any remorse.1826Hood Death's Ramble ix, He knew that sort of man would extort, Though summon'd to all eternity.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. 363 The rapacious governor had daily opportunities of embezzling and extorting.
b. with immaterial obj., actions, utterances, manifestation of feeling, concessions, acknowledgements, promises, etc. Said both of persons and of circumstances or influences.
1550Bale Image Both Ch. ii. xvii, Confession in the eare was cruellye extorted of Christian people vnder..payne of death.1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 5/2 They haue extorted into their own hands the plenarie fulness of power.1659Hammond On Ps. vi. 6 Paraphr. 36 My agonies extort..tears from me.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. iii. i. §15 Neither can hee deserve the name of a man, from whom the observation of the courses of the stars..does not extort gratitude.1665Glanvill Sceps. Sci. i. 12 The extorting a Confession of that Ignorance.1732Berkeley Alciphr. i. §14 Concessions, which the force of truth seems to have extorted from you.c1750Shenstone Ruin'd Abbey 175 No solemn bell extort a neighbour's tear.1771Junius Lett. liv. 286 These praises are extorted from me.1818Jas. Mill Brit. India II. v. iv. 443 A situation which extorted the compassion of Englishmen.1863H. Cox Instit. i. vii. 80 The barons extorted from the King power to elect twelve ordainers.
c. In literal sense: To wrest (a material object) from. rare.
1784Cowper Task v. 189 Nations would do well To extort their truncheons from the puny hands Of heroes.
2. To extract forcibly, ‘wring’ (a sense or conclusion) from (a passage, premises, etc.).
1601Shakes. Twel. N. iii. i. 165 Do not extort thy reasons from this clause.1653Milton Hirelings (1659) 31 From this example they never will be able to extort that the people in those days paid tithes to priests.Mod. How can you extort any other meaning from the passage?
a. To practise extortion on (a person); in quot. 1561 with allusion to literal sense ‘to rack’.
b. To ‘torture’, strain (a law). Obs.
1561Godly Q. Hester (1873) 44 The commons he extorteth tyll they bee lame.1612Davies Why Ireland, etc. 276 They did extort and oppresse the people.1616J. Lane Sqr.'s Tale xi. 360 Captives..to Greece transported, sold, and by these badd mistresses extorted.1681Crowne Hen. VI, ii. 14 We may extort the law..to punish beyond bounds of law.
Hence exˈtorting vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1599Marston Sco. Villanie ii. v. 196 Though he laid forth all his stock and store Vpon some office..he will trebble it..by his extorting wit.1641Tapsters Downfall 7 Not branded with the extorting seale of avarice.a1711Ken Hymns Festiv. Poet. Wks. 1721 I. 379 Matthew..set in his extorting stall.1715Nelson Addr. Pers. Qual. 195 The many extorting Acts, which are practised in those Houses of Bondage.1771Goldsm. Hist. Eng. III. 64 She took several very extorting methods by loans.
III. exˈtort, n. Obs.
[f. the vb.]
The action of the vb. extort; extortion, torture.
1556J. Heywood Spider & F. lxxxviii. 165 Ye are sure..to get ought by your extort, Or get or kepe ought.1541Sch.-house Women 556 in Hazl. E.P.P. IV. 126 They meane it a nother way, And say, she is mans vtter extort.1599Bp. Hall Sat. iv. v. 103 Albee such mayne extort scorns to be pent, in the clay walles of thatched Tenement. [But possibly ‘mayne extort’ = extort power: see extort ppl. a.]




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