

单词 excommunicate
释义 I. excommunicate, pa. pple., ppl. a. and n.|ɛkskəˈmjuːnɪkət|
Also 6, 8 -icat.
[ad. L. excommūnicāt-us, pa. pple. of excommūnicā-re (see next).]
A. pa. pple. and ppl. adj.
1. Excommunicated. arch.
1526Tindale John ix. 22 He shulde be excommunicat out of the Sinagoge.1662Lamont Diary 21 Sept. 195 Divers persons were excommunicat att this tyme.1762Hume Hist. Eng. xiv. 129 They..engaged the bishops..to pronounce him [Gavaston] excommunicate if he remained any longer in the kingdom.1839Bailey Festus Proem (1848) 5/1 Nor is this An outlawed orb nor excommunicate.1874Green Short Hist. iii. §2. 121 None of his allies..could fight side by side with an excommunicate king.
2. excommunicate things (tr. Heb. ḥērem): objects devoted to destruction.
1551Bible (Matthew) Josh. vi. 18 If you take of the excommunicate thyngs so shal you make the hooste of Israell excommunicate.1635E. Pagitt Christianogr. 213 Achan..took of the excommunicate things of Jerico.
B. n. An excommunicated person.
1562in Strype Ann. Ref. I. xxxi. 349 Those excommunicates, for whom there is a Significavit directed.1670Milton Hist. Eng. iv. (1851) 159 Thou hast neglected to abstain from the House of that Excommunicate.a1711Ken Hymns Evang. Poet. Wks. 1721 I. 135 Jews you as Excommunicates will treat.1852C. M. Yonge Cameos (1877) III. xxx. 309 They turned the coffin of Gaston de Foix, as an excommunicate, out of the Cathedral.
transf.1626Shirley Brothers iii. i, Poor Fernando, for her sake, must stand An excommunicate from every blessing.1640T. Carew To my inconstant Mistris i, Thou, poore excommunicate From all the joyes of love.
II. excommunicate, v.|ɛkskəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt|
Also 6 -icat.
[f. late (Eccl.) L. excommūnicāt- ppl. stem of excommūnicāre lit. ‘to put out of the community,’ f. ex- out + commūnis common, on the analogy of commūnicāre (see communicate).]
1. trans. (Eccl.) To cut off from communion; to exclude, by an authoritative sentence, from participation in the sacraments and services of the church, or from religious rites in general.
1526–34Tindale John xvi. 2 They shall excommunicat you.1579Tomson Calvin's Serm. Tim. 118/1 To deliuer to Sathan is nothing else, but to excommunicate a man.1660R. Coke Power & Subj. 10 If a man be excommunicated, he shall have no advantage or relief in any plea by the common law.1757Burke Abridgm. Eng. Hist. Wks. X. 189 They [the Druids] were further armed with a power of..excommunicating any obnoxious persons.1815Wellington 19 Jan. in Gurw. Disp. XII. 250 The actors of the Théâtre Français having been excommunicated..the curate of St. Roch refused to receive the body into the Church.1875Bryce Holy Rom. Emp. xiii. (ed. 5) 209 Excommunicated by Gregory IX for not going to Palestine, he [Frederick II] went, and was excommunicated for going.
b. To forbid (an action) under pain of excommunication. Obs. rare.
1644Milton Areop. Wks. (1847) 106/1 Martin the fifth by his bull..was the first that excommunicated the reading of heretical books.
2. transf.
1602Rowlands Greene's Ghost 3 To be reiected and excommunicated from the fellowship of all honest men.1666J. Smith Old Age (1752) 46 [In assimilation] those [parts of the chyle] that are like to prove unconformable, are excommunicated to the pores.1823Lamb Elia Ser. i. iii. (1865) 24 He was excommunicated; put out of the pale of the school.1848Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. 93 If he were contumacious he might be excommunicated, or, in other words, be deprived of all civil rights and imprisoned for life.
Hence excoˈmmunicated ppl. a.; also absol., excoˈmmunicating vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1580Baret Alv. E 430 Excommunicated.1648W. Jenkyn Blind Guide i. 4 The faithfull with a holy scorn neglect his excommunicating of you.1669Gale Crt. Gentiles i. iii. ix. 93 That none eat or drink with such an excommunicated person.1715M. Davies Athen. Brit. I. 252 Neither bound to..Obey an Excommunicated Queen.1814Scott Ld. of Isles ii. xxiv, Or dream of greeting, peace or truce, With excommunicated Bruce!1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. ii. v. vi, Plotting Aristocrats, and excommunicating Dissident Priests.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. II. 487 The right of excommunicating..is inherent in every man.1862Trench Mirac. xviii. 303 In case the excommunicated showed no sign of repentance.




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