

单词 Tetracaulodon
释义 Tetracaulodon|-ˈkɔːlədɒn|
[mod.L., f. tetra- + Gr. καυλό-ς stem + ὄδους, ὀδοντ- tooth.]
An extinct elephantine genus having four tusks.
1833Baltimore Med. & Surg. Jrnl. Oct. (Mayne).1839G. Roberts Dict. Geol., Tetracaulodon, a fossil extinct animal..allied to the mastodon;..having four projecting teeth.1859Page Handbk. Geol. Terms (1865) s.v., Professor Owen and others regard the tetracaulodon of Dr. Godman as the immature state of the Mastodon Giganteus.




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