

单词 tercio
释义 tercio, tertio|ˈtɜːsɪəʊ, ˈtɜːʃɪəʊ|
See also tertia.
[a. Sp. tercio (Minsheu), obs. It. tertio (Florio), mod.It. terzo, Pg. terço a regiment:—L. tertium a third.]
1. orig. A regiment of the Spanish infantry of the 16–17th c.; applied also to the Italian forces of that period; hence, a body of foot forming a main division of an army. Subsequently used of Spanish units in mod. times.
1583T. Stocker Civ. Warres Lowe C. ii. 65 Hee..sent thether Sardigne his Regiment or Tertio, with the Maister of his Campe, and three Ensignes of the Regiment or Tertio of Lombardes.1590Sir J. Smyth Disc. Weapons 10 b, A Tercio is not to bee holden for compleate of anie smaller number than of 3000. soldiers.1598Barret Theor. Warres 15 The Campe is deuided into sundry Tertios or Regiments.1622F. Markham Bk. War v. i. 161 The Colonell of a Foot-Regiment..amongst the old Romans..commanded a Tertio or Regiment.1904Edin. Rev. July 116 The deep formation in solid squares—that of the renowned tercios—was still dominant.1938C. S. Forester Ship of Line xvii. 236, I am Colonel Juan Claros, of the third tercio of Catalan migueletes... That is to say a thousand men.1957P. Kemp Mine were of Trouble ii. 19 A Tercio in the sixteenth century was a Regiment of Spanish infantry. The Spanish Foreign Legion is also called El Tercio... But the Requetés in the Civil War also organized their fighting units into tercios, each approximately of battalion strength.1965C. D. Eby Siege of Alcázar i. 14 The crack Tercios of the Foreign Legion.
2. Bullfighting.
a. One of the three parts of a bullfight.
b. Each of the three concentric circles into which a bullring is technically divided.
1932E. Hemingway Death in Afternoon 331 The bullfight is divided into three parts, the tercio de varas, that of the pic, tercio de banderillas, and tercio del muerte or third of death.1932R. Campbell Taurine Provence iii. 68 The arena is divided into three areas—tablas, tercios, and medios. It is in the tercios, which extend from a third of the way to the centre until quite near the central area, that the bull is the best to deal with.1962J. Stewart tr. J. Cousseau's Death of Miss Cunningham 136 The final tercio was about to be sounded.1967McCormick & Mascareñas Compl. Aficionado i. 20 The luring of the bull,..and the ritual staining of the garments of the bridegroom with the bull's blood..aid us in comprehending both the origin of the tercio of the banderillas, and our response to that tercio.




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