

单词 temporal
释义 I. temporal, a.1 and n.1|ˈtɛmpərəl|
Also 4–7 -er-; 4–5 -el, -ell(e, -ale, 4–6 -alle, 4–7 -all.
[ad. L. temporāl-is, f. tempus, tempor-, a space or point of time, time; in B. 2, ad. eccl. L. temporāle.]
A. adj.
1. Lasting or existing only for a time; passing, temporary. Now rare or merged in 2.
1382Wyclif Matt. xiii. 21 He hath nat roote in hym self, but it is temporal; that is, it lastith bot a litil tyme.13822 Cor. iv. 18 Sothli tho thingis that ben seyn, ben temperal, or duryng by short tyme.1598Sylvester Du Bartas ii. ii. i. Ark 500 [Rainbow] A temporall beauty of the lampfull skies.1762tr. Busching's Syst. Geog. I. 49 Others begin to run in spring,..and cease again towards autumn, and are called temporal Springs.1879Stevenson Trav. Cevennes (1886) 127 What seems a kind of temporal death to people choked between walls..is only a..living slumber to the man who sleeps a-field.
2. Of or pertaining to time as the sphere of human life; terrestrial as opposed to heavenly; of man's present life as distinguished from a future existence; concerning or involving merely the material interests of this world; worldly, earthly. (Opp. to eternal or spiritual.)
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints vi. (Thomas) 315 Þat þai..ȝarnis til hafe na temporale gud, outane anerly clath & fud.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 5 Temperal almes.c1400Rom. Rose 7066 So that the tour were stuffed wel With alle richesse temporel.c1532G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. in Palsgr. 1036 The lytell goodes temporals that it hath pleased to God to sende me.1685Baxter Paraphr. N.T. Mark ii. 15 He would not set up a temporal Kingdom.1772Priestley Inst. Relig. (1782) I. 306 The Jews..expected..a temporal prince.1832H. Martineau Life in Wilds vii. 91 Fear for the temporal prosperity of the whole race.
3. Secular as opposed to sacred; lay as distinguished from clerical. Of law: civil or common as distinguished from canon. Of rule, authority, or government: civil as distinguished from ecclesiastical. Lords Temporal: see lord n. 9. (Opp. to spiritual.)
c1340Hampole Prose Tr. 24 Itt longith to som temporalle men the which han soueraynte.c1400Mandeville (1839) v. 43 He was Lord Spirituelle & Temporelle.c1440Brut 468 Þe King..borowed a somme of gold þurghout þe Reame, of temporall peple, þat amounted a c. Ml marc of money, to sende his peple ouer the see.1451J. Capgrave Life St. Aug. 27 Ambrose had..mad neuly many ympnys, for all þe temperal ympnys ar ny of his making, as primo dierum omnium, & þoo þat folow.1578Knaresborough Wills (Surtees) I. 130 And after come to practice as a temporall Lawyer.1596Shakes. Merch. V. iv. i. 190 His Scepter shewes the force of temporall power, The attribute to awe and Maiestie.1672Petty Pol. Anat. (1691) 36 The Government of Ireland is by the King, 21 Bishops..and the Temporal Peers.1774Pennant Tour Scot. in 1772 149 A charter erecting the lands belonging to the abbacy into a temporal lordship.1898C. H. Bowden Dict. Cath., Temporal Power of the Pope.—1. His right to possess and govern the Patrimony of St. Peter and other States of the Church; 2. His rights as Vicar of Christ in relation to other sovereigns and states.
4. Applied to ‘artificial hours’, i.e. twelfths of an ‘artificial day’: see artificial 5. Obs. rare.
1594Blundevil Exerc. iii. i. lii. (1636) 370 Note also that the unequall houres are called sometime artificiall, and sometime temporall houres.
5. a. Gram. and Pros. Relating to or depending on the quantity of syllables (i.e. the time taken in pronouncing them). temporal augment (Gr. Gram.): see augment n. 2.
1678Phillips (ed. 4), Temporal Augment, an Augmentation which is made in a Greek Verb, by increasing in several Tenses, the quantity of the first Vowel or Dipthong, as ἄγω ἦγον.1860Marsh Lect. Eng. Lang. 540 The ancient temporal metres were inexhaustible, because the permutations and combinations of the prosodical feet were infinite.1867tr. Curtius's Gr. Gram. (ed. 2) §235 The Temporal Augment is used in all verbs which begin with a vowel.
b. Gram. Of or pertaining to the tenses of a verb; of tense; also, expressing or denoting time, as an adverb, a clause, etc.
1786H. Tooke Purley ii. viii. (1798) 650 Our language has made but small progress, compared either with the Greek or with the Latin..even in this Modal and Temporal abbreviation.1886W. G. Hale in Amer. Jrnl. Philol. VII. 459 The tenseless phrase in order to, used alike for present and past purposes in English, fails to convey the temporal ideas conveyed by the Latin present and imperfect subjunctive.1889Ibid. X. 334 In Latin all the uses of the ablative absolute sprang from the temporal use of the ablative.
6. In general sense: Of, pertaining, or relating to time, the present time, or a particular time.
1877Mallock New Republic II. iii. ii. 15 Merely temporal people, who are just as narrow-minded and dull as..merely local people—the natives of a neighbourhood.1886A. Weir Hist. Basis Mod. Europe (1889) 481 A vast quantity of temporal and spatial experience.1906D. W. Forrest Authority Christ vi. i. 309 In speaking of the last day we are using a temporal expression for an unspeakable and timeless reality.
B. n.
1. a. That which is temporal: esp. in pl. Temporal things or matters.
1390Gower Conf. I. 32 Noght only of the temporal But of the spirital also.Ibid. 276 To day is venym schad In holi cherche of temporal, Which medleth with the spirital.1471Fortescue Wks. (1869) 534 In his persone and his kingdome, which bothe be temporales onely.1625Burges Pers. Tithes 16 Hee that partakes of Gods blessing in Temporals.1755Young Centaur iv, Joy from temporals, is a terrestrial joy, And, like all things terrestrial, has a dreg in it.1897H. Drummond Ideal Life 140 Trying by some other way than through these homely temporals, to learn the spiritual life.
b. Temporal power, possession, or estate; temporality; chiefly in pl. = temporalities.
c1450Holland Howlat 277 That sen it nechit Natur, thar alleris mastriss, Thai couth nocht trete but entent of the Temperale.1545Brinklow Compl. xxii. (1874) 51 Of their temporals, let .viij. or .x. pound and not aboue of euery hundreth be granted to the Kyng.1594R. Ashley tr. Loys le Roy 54 b, The Pope commaundeth ouer the temporall of the Church called S. Peters patrimonie, as King.1795A. Barruel Hist. Clergy during Fr. Rev. 99 They did not reject the new French constitution, or the laws concerning temporals.1863Blyth Hist. Fincham 39 The temporals were such lands or other property as may have accrued to the church by gift or purchase, and belonged chiefly to the regular or monastic clergy.1880Browning Dram. Idylls Ser. ii. Pietro of Abano 362 I'll to Rome, before Rome's feet the temporal-supreme lay prostrate!
2. (Also in L. form temporale |tɛmpɒˈreɪliː, -ɑːleɪ|.) That part of the breviary and missal which contains the daily offices in the order of the ecclesiastical year, as distinct from those proper for Saints' days: cf. sanctorale.
14..Table Lessons, etc. in Wyclif's Bible IV. 690 Here endith the Temperal, and here bigynneth the Propre Sanctorum.c1475Pict. Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 755/21 Hoc temperalium, a temperal.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 63/2 This is the Rewle of the temporal thurgh the yere.1517in Archæologia LXI. 83 Item a legend hoole of the temporall... Item a legend hoole of the Sanctorum.1872Temporale [see sanctorale].
II. temporal, a.2 and n.2 Anat.|ˈtɛmpərəl|
Also 6 tymporall.
[ad. L. temporāl-is, f. tempora the temples: see temple n.2]
Of, belonging to, or situated in the temples: esp. in names of structures, as temporal artery, temporal bone, temporal muscle, temporal vein, etc.
temporal canals, small passages for vessels and nerves through the malar bone to the temporal surface; temporal lobe, the lowest lobe of the brain lying below the Sylvian fissure; temporal fossa, that in which the temporal muscle originates.
1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 11/2 We should not hurte the temporalle muscle.Ibid. 29 b/1 The thirde is called the temporall, or vayne of the temples, which in divers branches ascendeth in the temples of the heade.1732Arbuthnot Rules of Diet in Aliments, etc. 327 Copious Bleeding by opening the temporal Arteries.1842E. Wilson Anat. Vade M. (ed. 2) 23 The Temporal Bone is..divisible into a squamous, mastoid, and petrous portion.1854H. Spencer Personal Beauty Ess. 1891 II. 390 The chief agents in closing the jaws are the temporal muscles.
B. n. Elliptical for temporal artery, bone, muscle, etc.
1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. F j, Those [muscles] are called tymporalles, and are ryght noble and very sensyble, & therfore theyr hurt is very peryllous.1758J. S. Le Dran's Observ. Surg. 8 The Temporal became ossified.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VII. 228 The muscles of mastication—the masseters, temporals, and pterygoids.1900J. Hutchinson in Arch. Surg. XI. No. 41. 23 The old woman's temporals were scarcely, if at all, enlarged.




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