

单词 editor
释义 editor, n.|ˈɛdɪtə(r)|
[a. L. ēditor: see edit, edition n.]
One who edits.
1. The publisher of a book (cf. Fr. éditeur).
1649Bp. Hall Cases Consc. i. v. (1650) 33 Otherwise some Interloper may perhaps underhand fall upon the work at a lower rate, and undoe the first editor.
2. One who prepares the literary work of another person, or number of persons for publication, by selecting, revising, and arranging the material; also, one who prepares an edition of any literary work.
1712Addison Spect. No. 470 ⁋1 When a different Reading gives us..a new Elegance in an Author, the Editor does very well in taking Notice of it.1725Pope Notes on Shaks. (J.), This nonsense got into all the editions by a mistake of the stage editors.1748Anson Voy. Introd., The Editors of a new variation-chart..have..been misled by an erroneous analogy.1831J. Davies Manual Nat. Med. Introd., The Editor conceives that the plan laid down here is, etc.1863Burton Bk. Hunter 302 The editors of club books are not mere dreary drudges.
3. a. esp. One who conducts a newspaper or periodical publication.
1803G. Rose Diaries (1860) II. 111 The Editor of the True Briton.1823Cobbett Rur. Rides 146 This blunder-headed editor of Bell's Messenger.1874Morley Compromise (1886) 248 The editor of the daily newspaper.
b. A person in charge of a particular section of a newspaper, e.g. of the financial news (City editor: see city 9).
1843Knickerbocker XXII. 494 We cannot permit the young associate-editor of that print..to misrepresent us.1894E. L. Shuman Steps into Journalism 19 On the larger papers the work of the managing editor is divided, giving him an assistant, the managing news editor.1936S.P.E. Tract XLV. 188 In American newspaper offices, a member of the staff who is in charge of a single feature or department is dignified by the title of editor. This practice is being introduced into English journalism, but not without protest.1954Manch. Guardian Weekly 14 Oct. 7/1 ‘Say,’ said the American photographer... ‘My editor's hopping mad for pictures.’
c. The literary manager of a publishing house, or head of one of its publishing departments. orig. U.S.
1915Bookman XLI. 306/2 You now find erstwhile stonewall editors wax in your hands.1930Publishers' Weekly 5 Apr. 2096 Far more attention might well be given the West's peculiar needs by Eastern editors.1958Oxford Books (catal.) 3 Oxford Progressive English..was founded by E. C. Parnwell, while oversea editor of the Oxford University Press.
d. attrib. (appos.), as editor-author, editor-manager, editor-proprietor, editor-publisher; also editor-in-chief, the chief editor of a publication, in a publishing-house, etc.
1952M. Lowry Let. Mar. (1967) 292, I had a right..and the aim..to achieve an editor-author relationship.
1873J. M. Bailey Life in Danbury 287 Our highest ambition has been to be the editor-in-chief of a large New York daily, and help do up the mail.1913E. C. Bentley Trent's Last Case ii. 19 He was..editor-in-chief of the Record.1955Times 2 July 4/3 The editor-in-chief was Mr. Humphry House, Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford.1959Encounter July 67/1 He..is now editor-in-chief of Stanford University Press.1959Manch. Guardian 21 July 6/7 Sir William [Haley] had then been for one year editor-in-chief [at the B.B.C.].1961(title) Webster's Third New International Dictionary. Editor in Chief Philip Babcock Gove, Ph.D.
1899Westm. Gaz. 20 May 1/3 Editor-manager of the Oxford Chronicle.
1906Ibid. 20 Sept. 10/2 The editor-proprietor of the ‘Studio’.
1907Ibid. 8 Nov. 12/1 The staff, from the editor-publisher downward.
4. Antiq. [L. editor ludorum.] The exhibitor (of Roman public games).
1880L. Wallace Ben-hur v. x. (1884) 283, I have here the notice of the editor of the games, just issued.
5. One who cuts and edits a film.
1917Sci. Amer. 8 Dec. 441/3 The editor, usually the director himself in dramatic productions, directs the cutting and assembling of the various strips of film into the complete production; and just as the editor of a magazine..makes his corrections, so does the film editor view the assembled film on the screen and make corrections and changes.1933A. Brunel Filmcraft 158 Editor, one who cuts, assembles, edits and titles a film.1937H. G. Wells Brynhild v. 61 The brightest and best producers, directors, scenarists, cameramen, special effects men, editors.
6. Computing. A program that permits the user to alter programs or to alter or rearrange data or text held in a computer.
1959Jrnl. Assoc. Computing Machinery VI. 153 The input data for the program are..converted to binary by the system input editor.1963Compatible Time-Sharing System (M.I.T. Computation Center) iii. 26 The user can also by appropriate commands or supervisor calls generate other disk editor control cards to be entered into the disk editing process.1967Communications of ACM X. 793/2 The present paper is built around a description of the editor in the Berkeley time sharing system for the SDS-930..which is called QED.1976Sci. Amer. Nov. 120/2 APL/3000's editor has greater flexibility and power than the typical APL editor, with modes for both line editing of simple problems and complete text editing.1980S. Hockey Guide to Computer Applications in Humanities ii. 31 More sophisticated editors allow the user to jump about the file making corrections at random.1986What Micro? Apr. 6/2 A full-screen editor is now incorporated which also carries out extensive syntax checking.
Hence ˈeditor v. trans. (rare), to edit (a work). ˈeditored ppl. a., provided or furnished with an editor. ˈeditoˌress = editress. ˈeditorless a., without an editor.
1826Blackw. Mag. XIX. 335 Some laggardly editorless, or ten editor'd periodical.1836Ibid. XL. 766 Lady Blessington is registered..editoress of half-a-score of books.1961Amer. Speech XXXVI. 138 The Britannica is now editored by Walter Yust.




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