

单词 sware
释义 I. sware, n. Obs.
Also 4 suar, suare, swar.
[Partly OE. *swaru, in andswaru answer n., mánswaru perjury (cf. manswear); partly a. ON. svar answer: f. root swar- (see swear v.). Cf. next.]
1. Swearing; an oath.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 163 Curs, and leasinges, and sware, and alle swikele speches.c1250Hymn to God 35 in Trin. Coll. Hom. App. 259 Mid wicke speche & false sware.c1275Lay. 10893 Þo was wo Coel..þat he sahtnesse mid sware [c 1205 treoðe] hadde ifastned.a1327Pol. Songs (Camden) 247 Y charge ou by oure sware, That ȝe to Engelonde be trewe.a1400Pauline Epistles Gal. iii. 17 Þis..testament confermyd of god þurgh sware.c1430Freemasonry 257 Ny no fals sware sofre hem to make.
2. Answer, reply.
c1200Ormin 2422 Whi ȝaff ȝho swillc anndswere onnȝæn?.. Nu wile I shæwenn ȝuw forrwhi Ȝho ȝaff swillc sware onnȝæness.a1400–50Wars Alex. 1184 Þe bischop..Gase him doun..Swiftly to þe swiars & þam his sware ȝeldis.
3. Saying, speech, word.
a1300Cursor M. 17819 (Cott.) Þai hailsed þaim wit suetli suar.c1325Metr. Hom. 17 Scho wiped his feet wit her hare, And kissed thaim wit suetli suare.c1400Destr. Troy 1200 Sum swalt in a swym with-outen sware more.
II. sware, v. Obs.
[a. ON. svara, f. root swar- (see swear v.). Cf. prec.]
intr. and trans. To answer.
c1200Ormin 8938 Off þatt he wass full ȝæp & wis To swarenn & to fraȝȝnenn.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1415 Symbales & sonetez sware þe noyse.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 2011 He called to his chamberlayn, þat cofly hym swared.a1400–50Wars Alex. 2069 And þai swiftly him sward & swyth þus him tellis.
III. sware
arch. pa. tense of swear.
IV. sware
obs. f. square, sweer; var. swire Obs.




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