释义 |
† disˈvisor, v. Obs. In 6 -ser, 7 -zor. [dis- 7 a.] trans. To remove the visor from, to uncover (a visored face). Also intr. for refl. Hence disˈvisored ppl. a., disˈvisoring vbl. n.
1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII (an. 12) 79 The kynges moste noble grace never disvisered nor breathed tyll he ranne the five courses. Ibid. 80 b, At thinstance of the Frenche quene and her ladies these maskers and revelers them disvisered, shewyng them what persones they were. Ibid. 83 b, Eche compaigny passed by other without any countenaunce makyng or disviseryng. 1621Bp. R. Montagu Diatribæ i. 261 With open Mouth, & disvizored Face. |