

单词 subsequent
释义 subsequent, a. and n.|ˈsʌbsɪkwənt|
[a. F. subséquent (14th c. in Littré), or ad. L. subsequens, -entem, pr. pple. of subsequī, f. sub- sub- III + sequī to follow.]
A. adj.
1. Following in order or succession; coming or placed after, esp. immediately after.
a1460J. Metham Wks. (E.E.T.S.) 157/1, I rede in elde volummys this matere subsequent.1599A. M. tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physicke 346/1 Then applye theron the whytes of Egges..and then applye theron this subsequente playster.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. i. iii. 344 Such Indexes, although small prickes To their subsequent Volumes.1660Barrow Euclid Pref. (1714) p. ij, The six precedent and the two subsequent [Books].1745in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. i. 285 The Sentences precedent and subsequent.1788Encycl. Brit. (1797) I. 695/2 This, with the subsequent bones of the ear, are here delineated as large as the life.1814Scott Wav. ii, But more of this in a subsequent chapter.1833J. Rennie Alph. Angl. 21 We shall see in a subsequent page the principle upon which this is founded.
absol.1596Nashe Saffron-Walden To Rdr. Wks. 1905 III. 22/31 The subsequent or hindermost of the paire.
2. a. Following or succeeding in time; existing or occurring after, esp. immediately after, something expressed or implied; coming or happening later.
the subsequent (year, etc.), the (year, etc.) subsequent, the year, etc. next following.
condition subsequent: see condition n. 2.
1503–4Act 19 Hen. VII, c. 27 §6 To begyn and ende theyr accompt..in the yere subsequent for the yere precedent.1651G. W. tr. Cowel's Inst. 107 As if one gives any thing with such an intention that it shall be the Donees when a subsequent thing is performed.1662Petty Taxes iv. 28 The envy which precedent missions of English [in Ireland] have against the subsequent.1681Stair Inst. Law Scot. ii. xxvii. 137 No Son of a subsequent Branch could be entered.1762–71H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1786) V. 129 His other plates I will repeat briefly, as I shall those of subsequent engravers.1800Colquhoun Comm. Thames xi. 300 It was found needful to explain and amend this Charter by many others Subsequent.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xvii. IV. 56 The day from which all his subsequent years took their colour.1860Tyndall Glac. i. iii. 23 My subsequent destination was Vienna.1905R. Bagot Passport xxxvi, Concetta delivered the letter, and another subsequent one.
b. Const. to. (Also advb. = subsequently to. Cf. previous, etc.)
1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. ii. §12 The ill Consequences of it, or the Actions which were subsequent to it.a1745Swift Some Remarks on Barrier Treaty Wks. 1841 I. 430/1 This prodigious article is introduced as subsequent to the treaty of Munster.1806Med. Jrnl. XV. 141, I have not heard of any death but one shortly subsequent to cow-pox inoculation.1822Heber Wks. Jer. Taylor (1828) I. p. xl, Subsequent to the suppression..he was..at large.1871Smiles Charac. ii. (1876) 39 It was long subsequent to the death of both his parents.1911War Dept. Provis. Subsidy Scheme 1 Lorries must have been built subsequent to 1st January, 1911.
c. Forming a sequel to. (rare.)
1779Johnson L.P., Pope (1868) 408 He had planned a work, which he considered as subsequent to his ‘Essay on Man’.
d. Phys. Geog. Applied to a stream or valley that has developed its course so as to follow rock that is more easily eroded, and consequently in most cases following the strike of the rock.
[1862Jukes in Q. Jrnl. Geol. Soc. XVIII. 400 That the lateral valleys are the first formed..while the longitudinal valleys are of subsequent origin, gradually produced by atmospheric action on the softer and more easily eroded beds that strike along the chains.]1895W. M. Davis in Geogr. Jrnl. (R.G.S.) V. 131 The peculiarity of subsequent streams is..that they run along the strike of weak strata; while consequent streams run down the dip, crossing harder and softer strata alike.1898I. C. Russell River Developm. vii. 185 Streams originate, the directions of which are regulated by the hardness and solubility of the rocks. Such streams appear subsequently to the main topographic features in their environment, and are termed subsequent streams.1954W. D. Thornbury Princ. Geomorphol. v. 113 Because of the coincidence of subsequent valleys with belts of weak rock it is usually concluded that any valley which follows such a course is a subsequent valley. This may not be true, for the valley may have been on the weak rock from the beginning.1970R. J. Small Study of Landforms vii. 233 The most significant feature..will be the appearance and growth of ‘subsequent’ streams, which by the process of headward erosion will extend along lines of geological weakness.
e. Geol. = intrusive a. 2 b.
1888Teall Brit. Petrogr. 449.
B. n.
a. A person or thing that follows or comes after another. Obs.
1603Florio Montaigne ii. xii. 294 Deeming all other apprentiships as subsequents and of superarogation in regard of that [orig. estimant tout autre apprentissage subsecutif à celuy-la & supernumeraire].1623Bp. Hall Serm. Reedified Chapell Earle of Exceter Wks. (1634) 484 This conceit..is quite dissonant from the context, both in regard of the precedents, and subsequents.a1676Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. vii. 179 It hath a most excellent congruity with the subsequents of the Holy History.1685Coron. Jas. II (Broadside), So Handsome that all other Ladies, Her Subsequents seem'd but her Shaddows.1824L. Murray Engl. Gram. (ed. 5) I. 241 As the relative pronoun, when used interrogatively, refers to the subsequent word or phrase containing the answer to the question, that word or phrase may properly be termed the subsequent to the interrogative.
b. these subsequents: the persons or things mentioned immediately afterwards. Obs.
1612Sturtevant Metallica 57 These subsequents are most necessarie, as namely; Ioyners, Carpenters, Smithes, Brickelayers, Masons.1637–50Row Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) 15 These subsequents..to be obserued in this Realme concerning Doctrine.
2. Physical Geogr. A subsequent stream (see sense A. 2 d).
1895W. M. Davis in Geogr. Jrnl. V. 144 The Welland, Gwash, Chater, and Eye being parts of consequent streams that have been captured by subsequents.1956D. L. Linton Sheffield 42 Its headstream the Doe Lea has the aspect of a true subsequent, but from Staveley northwards though it maintains the direction of the Doe Lea this is no longer that of the strike of the rocks.1970R. J. Small Study of Landforms vii. 234 In an area where the structure comprises a series of anticlines and synclines, one is tempted..to regard all synclinal streams as longitudinal consequents and all anticlinal streams as subsequents.




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