

单词 discipline
释义 I. discipline, n.|ˈdɪsɪplɪn|
Also 4 dici-, 4–6 disci-, discy-, 4–7 dissi-, dyssy-, dyssi-, 5 dyscy-, -pline, -plyne.
[a. F. discipline (OF. also dece-, dese-, desce-, 11th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. L. disciplīna instruction of disciples, tuition, for discipulīna, f. discipulus pupil, disciple.
Etymologically, discipline, as pertaining to the disciple or scholar, is antithetical to doctrine, the property of the doctor or teacher; hence, in the history of the words, doctrine is more concerned with abstract theory, and discipline with practice or exercise.]
a. Instruction imparted to disciples or scholars; teaching; learning; education, schooling. Obs.
1382Wyclif Prov. iii. 4 Thou shalt finde grace, and good discipline [1388 teching] befor God and men.c1510Barclay Mirr. Gd. Manners (1570) F vj, If thou haue in greke had all thy discipline, To dispute in latin what needeth thee to seeke.1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV, 223 b, He firste holpe his awne young scholers, to attein to discipline, and for them he founded a solempne schoole at Eton.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. ii. iii. 31 Heauen blesse thee from a Tutor, and Discipline come not neere thee!1615Stow's Annals (1631) 307/2 Apt to all offices of worthinesse, if in his child-hood hee had not wanted discipline.
b. A particular course of instruction to disciples.
Discipline of the Secret (a translation of modern L. disciplīna arcānī, used by Tentzel and Schelstrate 1683–5): a term of post-Reformation controversy, applied to modes of procedure held to have been observed in the early Church in gradually teaching the mysteries of the Christian faith to neophytes, and in concealing them from the uninitiated.
1620–55I. Jones Stone-Heng (1725) 9 They communicated nothing, but to those of their own Society, taking special Order..their Discipline might not be divulged.1833Rock Hierurgia ii. 1 §3 note, The Discipline of the Secret.1885Catholic Dict. 266 Discipline of the Secret..a convenient name for the custom which prevailed in the early Church of concealing from heathen and catechumens the more sacred and mysterious doctrines and rites of..religion.
2. A branch of instruction or education; a department of learning or knowledge; a science or art in its educational aspect.
c1386Chaucer Can. Yeom. Prol. & T. 700 Assaye in myn absence This disciplyne and this crafty science.1500–20Dunbar Poems lxv. 4 To speik of science, craft, or sapience..Off euerie study, lair, or discipline.1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. Eph. II. 2 Being singularely learned in humayne disciplines, ye haue excelled other sortes of men euer vnto this day.1597Morley Introd. Mus. 184 Ye tearmeth he musick a perfect knowledge of al sciences and disciplines.1654Z. Coke Logick (1657) 2 Objective disciplines be..principally four. 1 Theologie. 2 Jurisprudence. 3 Medicine. 4 Philosophy.1685Boyle Enq. Notion Nat. 375 Acquainted with Physico-Mathematical Disciplines, such as Opticks, Astronomy, Hydrostaticks, and Mechanicks.1741Middleton Cicero I. vi. 454 Skill'd in all the Tuscan discipline of interpreting portentous events.1844Emerson Lect. New Eng. Ref. Wks. (Bohn) I. 266 The culture of the mind in those disciplines to which we give the name of education.1864Burton Scot Abr. II. i. 48 Professors of arts and disciplines at Paris.1878Bell Gegenbaur's Comp. Anat. 1 The department of Science which has organic nature for its investigations, breaks up into two great divisions, Botany and Zoology..The two disciplines together form the science of living nature.1942Spectator 27 Feb. 204/1 The distribution of academic disciplines in which they [sc. candidates for the Foreign Office] had specialised.1958G. J. Warnock Eng. Philos. since 1900 xiii. 172 It is only quite recently that the subject-matter, or rather the tasks, of philosophy have come to be clearly distinguished from those of other disciplines.1962Lancet 13 Jan. 113/1 Sir Leonard Parsons..had been the first to draw into the paediatrics of his time other disciplines such as biochemistry and immunology.
3. a. Instruction having for its aim to form the pupil to proper conduct and action; the training of scholars or subordinates to proper and orderly action by instructing and exercising them in the same; mental and moral training; also used fig. of the training effect of experience, adversity, etc.
1434Misyn Mending of Life 112 Qwhat is disciplyne bot settyng of maners or correctynge?..be disciplyne we ar taght rightwysnes, & of ill correctyd.1607Bacon Ess., Marriage & Single L. (Arb.) 268 Certainely wife and children are a kind of discipline of humanity.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iii. 323 The pamper'd Colt will Discipline disdain.1713Steele Englishman No. 7. 46 Clowns under the Discipline of the Dancing-Master.1736Butler Anal. i. v. Wks. 1874 I. 85 The present life was intended to be a state of discipline for a future one.1741Middleton Cicero I. vi. 461 Caelius..was a young Gentleman..trained under the discipline of Cicero himself.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. 240 A mind on which all the discipline of experience and adversity had been exhausted in vain.1857Ruskin Pol. Econ. Art i. (1868) 23 The notion of Discipline and Interference lies at the root of all human progress or power.1862Sir B. Brodie Psychol. Inq. II. v. 177 No part of early education is more important than the discipline of the imagination.1892Westcott Gospel of Life 270 Every sorrow and pain is an element of discipline.
b. spec. Training in the practice of arms and military evolutions; drill. Formerly, more widely: Training or skill in military affairs generally; military skill and experience; the art of war. (Cf. sense 2.)
1489Caxton Faytes of A. i. i. 3 Rules, techyngs and dyscyplyne of armes.1555Eden Decades 21 A man not ignorant in the disciplyne of warre.1602Warner Alb. Eng. ix. xlvi. (1612) 216 Martialists in Discipline and ordering their war.1659B. Harris Parival's Iron Age 41 School of war..where all the Martiall Spirits resorted, to learn Discipline, and to put it in practice.1775R. H. Lee in Sparks Corr. Amer. Rev. (1853) I. 52 Without discipline armies are fit only for the contempt and slaughter of their enemies.1776Gibbon Decl. & F. I. 297 It was the rigid attention of Aurelian, even to the minutest articles of discipline, which bestowed such uninterrupted success on his arms.
c. A course of training. Obs.
1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. iii. (1586) 153 The knowledge of keeping cattell hath a discipline, wherein a man must from his very Childhood be brought up.1664Evelyn Kal. Hort. (1729) 188 By such an Oeconomy and Discipline, as our Industrious Gardiner may himself be continualy improving.1683Brit. Spec. 40 To those..who..underwent the Severities of a long and tedious Discipline.
4. The orderly conduct and action which result from training; a trained condition.
1509Fisher Fun. Serm. C'tess. Richmond Wks. (1876) 290 The comparyson of them two may be made..In nobleness of Persone, in discyplyne of theyr bodyes.1551T. Wilson Logike (1580) 15 b, The polliticall lawe doeth cause an outward discipline to be observed, even of the wicked.1611Bible Transl. Pref. 1 Seeking to reduce their Countreymen to good order and discipline.1728Newton Chronol. Amended iv. 312 He..reduced the irregular and undisciplined forces of the Medes into discipline and order.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. III. liii. 287 The discipline of a soldier is formed by exercise rather than by study.1827Pollok Course T. iv, Sound-headed men, Of proper discipline and excellent mind.
5. a. The order maintained and observed among pupils, or other persons under control or command, such as soldiers, sailors, the inmates of a religious house, a prison, etc.
[c1450tr. De Imitatione i. xxv, Fervent & devoute breþren & wel manered & under discipline.]1667Pepys Diary 1 Apr. (Wheatley, 1895, VI. 249) [Sir] W. Coventry is wholly resolved to bring him to punishment; for, ‘bear with this’, says he, ‘and no discipline shall ever be expected.’1697Dryden Virg. Georg. ii. 509 Let crooked Steel invade The lawless Troops, which discipline disclaim.1813Wellington in Gurw. Desp. X. 539 The fact is, that, if discipline means obedience to orders, as well as military instruction, we have but little of it in the army.1827–38Hare Guesses Ser. ii. (1873) 494 Discipline..should exercise its influence without appearing to do so.1836Marryat Midsh. Easy xiii, If I do not punish him, I allow a flagrant and open violation of discipline to pass uncensured.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. 424 The discipline of workshops, of schools, of private families..was infinitely harsher.1889Times 9 Mar. 16/1, I recently heard a learned limb of the law..confound prison punishment with prison discipline, forgetting that the former is merely a means of enforcing the latter.
b. A system or method for the maintenance of order; a system of rules for conduct.
1659B. Harris Parival's Iron Age 40 The Mutiners governed themselves in form of a Republick, observing a most exact discipline.1726G. Shelvocke Voy. round World (1757) 227 Having regulated themselves according to the discipline of Jamaica.1861M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 47 The inmates..were submitted to an almost monastic discipline.
6. a. Eccl. The system or method by which order is maintained in a church, and control exercised over the conduct of its members; the procedure whereby this is carried out; the exercise of the power of censure, admonition, excommunication, or other penal measures, by a Christian Church.
1549Bk. Comm. Prayer, Commination, In the primitive church there was a godly discipline, that, at the beginning of Lent, such persons as were notorious sinners were put to open penance.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. (1578) iv. xii. 2 The first foundation of discipline is, that priuate monitions should haue place.1574tr. Marlorat's Apocalips 18 Our meeting vpon that day rather than vpon any other, is onely for orders sake, and for a certeine discipline in the Churche.1621First Book of Discipline (1721) ix. i. 568 The order of Ecclesiastical Discipline, which stands in reproving and correcting of the Faults which the Civill Sword either doth neglect, or may not punish.1858–60Gardner Faiths World I. 479/1 The ancient discipline of the church, while it excluded offenders from spiritual privileges, left all their natural or civil rights unaffected.
b. Hence, generally, the system by which the practice of a church, as distinguished from its doctrine, is regulated. spec., in Eng. Ch. Hist., The ecclesiastical polity of the Puritan or Presbyterian party (thence styled Disciplinarians) in the 16th and 17th c.
Books of Discipline: the name of two documents, adopted in 1561 and 1581 respectively, constituting the original standards of the polity and government of the Reformed Church of Scotland, and also dealing with schools, universities, and other matters.
[1574W. Travers (title) Ecclesiasticæ Disciplinæ et Anglicanæ Ecclesiæ ab illa aberrationis..explicatio.]1574T. Cartwright [transl. of prec.] (title) A full and plain Declaration of Ecclesiastical Discipline owt of the Word off God, and of the declining of the Churche of England from the same.1588W. Travers (title) A Defence of the ecclesiastical discipline ordayned of God to be used in his Church, agaynst a reply of Maister Bridges.1593R. Bancroft (title) A Survay of the Pretended Holy Discipline.Ibid. v. 70 (heading) The pretended Antiquitie of the Consistorian Discipline.1594Hooker Eccl. Pol. (1888) I. 126 The wonderful zeal and fervour wherewith ye have withstood the received order of this Church..to join..for the furtherance of that which ye term the Lord's Discipline.Ibid. 127 Let it be lawful for me to rip up to the very bottom how and by whom your Discipline was planted.Ibid. 138 That which Calvin did for establishment of his discipline, seemeth more commendable than that which he taught for the countenancing of it when established.1610B. Jonson Alch. iii. i, This heat of his may turn into a zeal, And stand up for the beauteous discipline Against the menstruous cloth and rag of Rome.1642Chas. I, Roy. Protestations 4 New doctrines and disciplines.1643Milton (title) The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce restored..from the Bondage of Canon Law.1676W. Hubbard Happiness of People 35 Wee in New England that profess the doctrine of Calvin, yet practise the discipline of them called Independant, or Congregational Churches.1792Burke Let. to Sir H. Langrishe Wks. 1842 I. 547 Three religions..each of which has its confession of faith and its settled discipline.1874Green Short Hist. viii. §5. 509 The Presbyterian organization remained untouched in doctrine or discipline.1885Catholic Dict. 265 Usually, discipline in its ecclesiastical sense signifies the laws which bind the subjects of the Church in their conduct, as distinct from dogmas or articles of faith, which affect their belief.
c1566Knox Hist. Ref. Scot. (1848) II. 181 (anno 1561) The Preacheris vehementlie exhorted us to establische The Buke of Discipline, by ane Act and publict Law.1621Calderwood Hist. Kirk (1843) II. 50 At the same conventioun [1561], the Booke of Discipline was subscribed by a great part of the nobilitie.Ibid. 51 To establishe a more perfyte discipline, which was done twentie yeeres after..as we sall see in the Second Booke of Discipline.1621(title, 1st printed ed.) The First and Second Booke of Discipline, together with some Acts of the Generall Assemblies.1860J. Lee Hist. Ch. Scot. I. 151 The first head of the original Book of Discipline treats of Doctrine..The second head relates to Sacraments..The fourth head related to Ministers and their lawful election.
7. a. Correction; chastisement; punishment inflicted by way of correction and training; in religious use, the mortification of the flesh by penance; also, in more general sense, a beating or other infliction (humorously) assumed to be salutary to the recipient. (In its monastic use, the earliest English sense.)
a1225Ancr. R. 138 Auh ancre schal..temien ful wel hire fleschs..mid heuie swinke, mid herde disciplines.1340Ayenb. 236 Hit be-houeþ þet uless beate and wesse be dissiplines and be hardnesses.1382Wyclif Prov. iii. 11 The discipline of the Lord, my sone, ne caste thou awey.1482Monk of Evesham (Arb.) 22 Alle that were there wyth grete contricion of herte toke discyplynys of roddys.1509Fisher Fun. Serm. C'tess Richmond Wks. (1876) 293 The blessyd Martha is praysed in chastysynge her Body by crysten dyscyplyne.1620Shelton Quix. iv. xxv. II. 277 They did institute Rogations, Processions, and Disciplines throughout all that Country.1686J. Sergeant Hist. Monast. Convent. 34 If any be found unchast, she receives three Disciplines or Scourgings.c1790Willock Voy. 36 With a rope's-end..he continued this discipline till he rendered me incapable of moving.1811Sporting Mag. XXXVII. 133 [She] came in for her share of the discipline which her husband was undergoing.1888Bernard Fr. World to Cloister v. 113 The corporal austerities which are known as ‘the discipline’.
b. transf. Hence applied to the instrument of chastisement: A whip or scourge; esp. one used for religious penance.
1622Peacham Compl. Gent. 120 By Chastity standeth Pennance having driven away with her discipline Winged Love.1630Wadsworth Pilgr. iii. 20 Approaching his bed side with two good disciplines in their hands, the ends of some stucke with wyery prickes, they did..raze his skinne.1707J. Stevens Quevedo's Com. Wks. (1709) R ij, The Whipsters..laid aside their Disciplines.1825Scott Talism. iv, On the floor lay a discipline, or penitential scourge.1848J. H. Newman Loss & Gain iii. x. 376 In the cell..hangs an iron discipline or scourge, studded with nails.
8. Treatment for some special purpose, e.g. medical regimen. Obs. rare.
1754E. Montagu in Four C. Eng. Lett. 280 He has been under discipline for his eyes, but his spirits and vivacity are not abated.1816Jane Austen Let. 9 July (1952) 457 Her illness must have been a very serious one indeed... Tell your Father I..most sincerely join in the hope of her being..much the better for her present Discipline.
9. attrib. as in discipline-master, a master in a school employed not to teach, but to keep order among the pupils.
1892Pall Mall G. 2 Nov. 6/3 A discipline master, who was running with the hounds, plunged in to catch the ‘hares’.1895Daily News 3 Apr. 8/3 Deceased was employed as discipline master..at..the Police Orphanage.
II. ˈdiscipline, v.
[a. F. discipliner (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.) or med.L. disciplīnāre, f. L. disciplīna discipline n.]
1. trans. To subject to discipline; in earlier use, to instruct, educate, train; in later use, more especially, to train to habits of order and subordination; to bring under control.
1382[see disciplined below].1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie i. xii. (Arb.) 44 With vs Christians, who be better disciplined, and do acknowledge but one God.1638Baker tr. Balzac's Lett. ii. (1654) 97 When some Discipline themselves, others run to debauches of all kindes.1641Hinde J. Bruen Ep. to Rdr., I would send such to be disciplined by Erasmus.1695Blackmore Pr. Arth. i. 591, I form'd and disciplin'd their untaught Hate.1711Addison Spect. No. 160 ⁋4 Great natural Genius's that were never disciplined and broken by Rules of Art.1795Southey Joan of Arc ix. 145 Heaven by sorrow disciplines The froward heart.1871R. W. Dale Ten Commandm. viii. 206 The whole organisation of the world is intended to discipline our moral nature.1888Burgon Lives 12 Gd. Men II. x. 242 He had been disciplined in the school of adversity.
b. spec. To train in military exercises and prompt action in obedience to command; to drill.
1598Barret Theor. Warres i. i. 7 Warres well conducted and disciplined.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. ii. iii. 255 He that disciplin'd thy armes to fight.1692Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) II. 629 Orders were come from England..to discipline the militia.1792Anecd. W. Pitt I. v. 138 A farmer..may be a good soldier if you take care to have him properly disciplined.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. 79 He addressed himself vigorously to the task of disciplining these strange soldiers.1861Even. Star 4 Oct., The Western men take longer to discipline into soldiers than the citizens of New England.
c. To subject to ecclesiastical discipline; ‘to execute the laws of the church on offenders, with a view to bring them to repentance and reformation of life’ (Webster).
1828in Webster. [1870cf. disciplinable 3.]18..H. W. Beecher Plymouth Pulpit Ser. vi. II. 134 (Funk & Wagn.) He whose orthodoxy inspires bitterness should be disciplined.
2. To inflict penitential discipline upon; to scourge or flog by way of penance or mortification of the flesh; hence, by extension, to chastise, thrash, punish.
c1300Beket 2384 Of Ech Monek of the hous: he let him discipline, With a ȝurd.1482Monk of Evesham (Arb.) 31 Y made a signe to hym, to discypline me in lyke wyse ageyne as he dyd afore.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 432 b/2 He chastysed his body by abstynence of mete & drynke &..dyscyplyned it..with chaynes of yron right ofte wyth his owne handes.1607Shakes. Cor. ii. i. 139 Ha's he disciplin'd Auffidius soundly?1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. lxix. (1739) 181 First he was disciplin'd with rods three times.1740Gray Let. Poems (1775) 83 Half a dozen wretched creatures..are in a side-chapel disciplining themselves with scourges full of iron prickles.1786tr. Beckford's Vathek (1868) 103 Having well disciplined their asses with nettles behind.1865T. F. Knox tr. Life of Henry Suso 65 He used to..go into the choir in front of the Blessed Sacrament and there discipline himself.
b. intr. (for refl.). To chastise oneself. Obs.
a1300E.E.P. (1862) 154 Wiþ seint benetis scurge lome ȝe disciplineþ.
3. trans. To deal with or treat of in an orderly manner. Obs. rare.
1658Evelyn Fr. Gard. (1675) 261 Your fruit, your herbs, and your pulses are disciplin'd in the two former treatises.
Hence ˈdisciplined ppl. a.; ˈdisciplining vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1382Wyclif Jas. iii. 13 Who is wijse, and disciplined [1388 tauȝt] among ȝou?c1400Test. Love (R.) After a good disciplining with a yerde, they kepe right well doctrine of their schole.1641Milton Ch. Govt. i. (1851) 99 They are left to their own disciplining at home.1645Evelyn Mem. (1857) I. 191 Amongst other things, they shew St. Catharine's disciplining cell.1668Pepys Diary 20 Dec., How the Spaniards are the best disciplined foot in the world.1669Woodhead St. Teresa ii. xxvi. 161 Her penances, and disciplinings were numerous.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. III. 165 Alaric was a Christian and a soldier, the leader of a disciplined army.1862H. Spencer First Princ. ii. iv. §53 (1875) 175 A developed and disciplined intelligence.




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