

单词 disadvance
释义 disadˈvance, v. Obs.
[ME. disavaunce, a. OF. desavancer to repel, push back, hinder (14th c. in Godef.), f. des-, dis- 4 + avancer to advance (q.v. for non-etymological change of a- to ad-).]
1. trans. To check the advance of, hinder from advancing, drive back, cause to retreat.
1374Chaucer Troylus ii. 462 (511) Right for to speken of an ordenaunce, How we þe Grekes myghte disauaunce.c1450Merlin 658 To disavaunce the Emperour, and by-reve hym the wey to Oston.1659D. Pell Impr. Sea 131 The more they sail southward, the more they advance the Antartick, and disadvance the Artick [pole].
b. To draw back; to lower (anything put forward).
1596Spenser F.Q. iv. iii. 8 That forced him his shield to disadvaunce.Ibid. iv. iv. 7 Which th' other seeing gan his course relent, And vaunted speare eftsoones to disadvaunce.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. vii. (1632) 533 Hee displayed his Ensignes, till for the French Kings loue he was content to dis-aduance them.
2. fig. To hinder from advancement, progress, or promotion; to throw back; to cast into a lower conditon or position.
a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1358 He slipirly stant whom that thow [Fortune] enhauncest, For sodeynly thow hym disavauncest.c1450Merlin 250 Men..hadden grete drede that for the faute of her prowesse that holy cherche and cristin feith were disavaunced.1530Palsgr. 517/2, I disavaunce, I disalowe or hynder, je desauance.1566Painter Pal. Pleas. (1890) II. 102 The daughters..be disauaunced and abased.
3. intr. To cease to advance, stop short.
1610G. Fletcher Christ's Vict. ii. iii, But when they saw their Lords bright cognizance Shine in his face, soon did they disadvance, And some unto him kneel, and some about him dance.
Hence disadˈvancing vbl. n., retrogression.
1659D. Pell Impr. Sea 13 Their [the stars'] advancings and disadvancings.




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