

单词 directory
释义 I. directory, a.|dɪˈrɛktərɪ|
[ad. L. dīrectōri-us that directs, directive, f. *dīrectōr-em director: see -ory. Cf. obs. F. directoire (Cotgr.).]
Serving or tending to direct; directive, guiding.
a1450Lydg. Secrees 593 Rewle directorye, set up in a somme.1611Cotgr., Directoire, directorie, directiue, directing.1613M. Ridley Magn. Bodies 62 The iron barres..being..placed North and South, do receive a polar vertue, and directory faculty.1645Tombes Anthropol. 11 The power of Pastors..being..not in a compulsory, but a directory way.1647N. Bacon Disc. Gov. Eng. i. xxiv. (1739) 41 Neither was the..Sheriff's work in that Court, other than directory or declaratory; for the Free-men were Judges of the fact.1733Cheyne Eng. Malady i. Introd. (1734) 4 Having no necessary Connection with what is Directory or Practical.1838–9Hallam Hist. Lit. III. iv. iii. §7. 134 In the directory business of the confessional.
b. spec. Applied to that part of the law which directs what is to be done, esp. to ‘a statute or part of a statute which operates merely as advice or direction to the person who is to do something pointed out, leaving the act or omission not destructive of the legality of what is done in disregard of the direction’.
1692Washington tr. Milton's Def. Pop. v. (1851) 160 That Princes were not bound by any Laws, neither Coercive, nor Directory.1765–9Blackstone Comm. (T.), Every law may be said to consist of several parts: one declaratory..another directory.1884Law Times 11 Oct. 383/2 There was no necessity..to comply with the directory provisions of the Act as to delivery of copies in England.1886Law Times LXXX. 241/1 The section is directory only, and a mortgage is not rendered invalid merely by reason of non-registration.
c. directory needle, a magnetic needle. Obs.
1613M. Ridley Magn. Bodies Pref. 2 A Directory-needle, or a little flie Magneticall in the boxe, fastened at the bottome in his convenient distance.a1646J. Gregory Terrestrial Globe Posth. (1650) 281 This Needle..directing towards the North and South, the Mariners..call their Directorie-Needle.1664Power Exp. Philos. iii. 156 A well polished Stick of hard Wax (immediately after frication) will almost as vigorously move the Directory Needle, as the Loadstone it self.
II. directory, n.|dɪˈrɛktərɪ|
[ad. med. or mod.L. dīrectōrium, subst. use of neuter of dīrectōri-us: see prec. and -ory. Cf. F. directoire, 15th c. in Godef. Suppl., It. direttorio a directorie (Florio).]
1. Something that serves to direct; a guide; esp. a book of rules or directions.
1543J. Harrison Man of Synne title-p., An alphabetycall dyrectorye or Table also in the ende therof.c1550(title), The Directory of Conscience, a profytable Treatyse to such that be tymorous..in Conscyence.1621Molle Camerar. Liv. Libr. iv. xx. 312 Sometimes a light occasion serueth as a directorie for the execution of most weighty things.1675H. Teonge Diary (1825) 7 Wee..hast toward the Downes; looking for our dyrectory, the Foreland light.1691–8Norris Pract. Disc. 76 At a time when God had not given any express Directory for the Manners of Men.1775Phil. Trans. LXV. 184 The compilers of those popular directories.1796Morse Amer. Geog. II. 454 The Rhodian law was the directory of the Romans in maritime affairs.1878J. P. Hopps Princ. Relig. vii. 24 We might have preferred a written directory, or a visible teacher.
2. Eccl. A book containing directions for the order of public or private worship; spec.
a. The set of rules for public worship compiled in 1644 by the Westminster Assembly, ratified by Parliament and adopted by the Scottish General Assembly in 1645.
1640A. Henderson in C. G. M'Crie Worship Presbyt. Scotl. (1892) 194 [Expressing the wish that there were] one Directory for all the parts of the public worship of God.1641Milton Animadv. xi. (1847) 93/1 Perhaps there may be usefully set forth by the Church a common directory of publick prayer.1645(title), The Directory for the Publick Worship of God; agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with the assistance of Commissioners from the Church of Scotland.1736Neal Hist. Purit. III. 157 The Parliament..imposed a fine upon those ministers that should read any other form than that contained in the Directory.1827Hallam Const. Hist. (1876) II. x. 172 The English commissioners..demanded the complete establishment of a presbyterian polity, and the substitution of what was called the directory for the Anglican liturgy.1892C. G. M'Crie Worship Presbyt. Scotl. 194 The word Directory exactly describes the nature and contents of a Presbyterian as distinguished from a liturgical Service-book.
fig.1663Butler Hud. i. iii. 1193 When Butchers were the only Clerks, Elders and Presbyters of Kirks, Whose Directory was to kill, And some believe it is so still.
b. R.C. Ch. A manual containing directions for the repetition of the daily offices; an ordinal.
1759(title) The Laity's Directory (Cath. Dict.).1837(title) The Catholic Directory (ibid.).1867(title) Catholic Directory and Ordo for Ireland.1885Catholic Dict. 265/2 The Catholic Directory..familiar to English Catholics..contains besides the Ordo a list of Clergy, Churches, etc.
3. a. A book containing one or more alphabetical lists of the inhabitants of any locality, with their addresses and occupations; also a similar compilation dealing with the members of a particular profession, trade, or association, as a Clerical or Medical Directory, etc.
1732J. Brown (title) The Directory, or List of Principal Traders in London.1778(title) Whitehead's Newcastle Directory, for 1778.1838Gray Lett. (1893) 71 Returning to the hotel I consulted the city directory.1888A. K. Green Behind Closed Doors vi, Gryce..searched for an address in the directory.
b. = telephone directory (s.v. telephone n.); freq. attrib., as directory enquiries, the section of the telephone-exchange which supplies callers with information about telephone numbers, etc.
1908Daily Chron. 21 Sept. 4/6 Daily reports of all new and changed names for the Directory are forwarded to this department.Ibid., The latest Directory information.1922Joyce Ulysses 697 Vulcanite automatic telephone receiver with adjacent directory.1946‘S. Russell’ To Bed with Grand Music v. 68 She hunted through telephone directories, questioned directory-enquiries.1966‘S. Woods’ Enter Certain Murderers ix. 157 Will you do something for me..? Get on to Directory Inquiries.
4. Direction, ordering, control. Obs. rare.
1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. xxxvii. (1739) 56 This manner of trial..and that of Ordeale [were] under the directory of the Clergy.Ibid. i. xlvii. (1739) 81 Present as Assistants in directory of judgment.
5. Surg. = director 3 c. Obs.
1691Mullineux in Phil. Trans. XVII. 822 By help of a Directory and Forceps..he brought away the Stone.1754–64Smellie Midwif. II. 18 This opening was enlarged upon a directory.
6. Fr. Hist. [transl. F. Directoire.] The executive body in France during part of the revolutionary period (Oct. 1795–Nov. 1799), consisting of five members called directors (directeurs).
[1795: see Directoire.]1796Washington Lett. Writ. 1892 XIII. 273, I little expected..that a private letter of mine..would have found a place in the bureau of the French Directory.1796Burke Regic. Peace i. Wks. VIII. 202 It is said by the directory..that we of the people are tumultuous for peace.1796Corr. (1844) IV. 397 Shall you and I find fault with the proceedings of France, and be totally indifferent to the proceedings of directories at home?1810T. Jefferson Writ. (1830) IV. 143 This does, in fact, transform the executive into a directory.1867G. F. Chambers Astron. (1876) 66 General Buonaparte..when the Directory was about to give him a fête, was very much surprised.
7. A body of directors; = directorate b.
1803W. Taylor in Ann. Rev. I. 407 Within the proprietary, we had almost said within the directory of the company, persons are now found [etc.].1883Harper's Mag. July 926/2 The principal working members of the directory.

Add:[3.] c. Computing. (a) Any list of the locations of data items, files, subdirectories, sets of instructions, etc., usu. also containing other information such as the name and size of each file and the date of its most recent update; spec. a displayed version of such a list.
1962Gloss. Terms Automatic Data Processing (B.S.I.) 36 Directory, a list of addresses which are used as reference points in a program, for example, in relative coding.1973C. W. Gear Introd. Computer Sci. vii. 268 To avoid this we must create an array that tells us where the Ith member is located. Such an array is called an access table or directory.1984QL User Dec. 28 An advanced filing system permits data and program files to be split up into related groups or ‘directories’ on disk.1986What Micro? Nov. 51/2 Should a document become lost in a mess of directories on a hard disk, there is a search facility to locate it again.
(b) A data item describing the type and location of each field in a record.
1964Gloss. Data Processing & Communications Terms (Honeywell Inc.) 19/2 Directory, a file with the layout of each field of the record which it describes; thus a directory describes the layout of a record within a file.




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