

单词 directly
释义 directly, adv.|dɪˈrɛktlɪ|
[f. direct a. + -ly2.]
In a direct manner or way.
1. a. In a straight line of motion; with undeviating course; straight.
1513More in Grafton Chron. (1568) II. 800 The king with Queene Anne his wife, came downe out of the white Hall..and went directly to the kinges Benche.1601Shakes. Jul. C. iv. i. 32 A Creature that I teach to fight, To winde, to stop, to run directly on.1658Sir T. Browne Hydriot. (1736) 52 Cutting thro' one of them either directly or cross⁓wise.1678Bunyan Pilgrim's Prog. i. 3 Keep that light in your eye, and go up directly thereto.1790Paley Horæ Paul. Rom. i. 9 To proceed from Achaia directly by sea to Syria.1820Scoresby Acc. Arctic Reg. I. 304 [It] advanced directly towards us with a velocity of about three knots.
b. fig. Straightforwardly; pointedly; simply; plainly; correctly, rightly (obs.).
1509Hawes Past. Pleas. v. ii, [Grammar] doth us tech..In all good ordre to speke directly.1513More in Grafton Chron. (1568) II. 786 He would that point should be lesse..handled, not even fully playne and directly, but touched a slope craftily.1568Ibid. II. 1339 He might firste aske a question before he aunswered directly to the poynte.1660F. Brooke tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 249 Not being able to discern directly what likenesse they were of.1711Steele Spect. No. 136 ⁋3, I never directly defame, but I do what is as bad.1791Burke Corr. (1844) III. 274, I asked him his opinion directly, and without management.
c. Math. Opposed to inversely.
1743W. Emerson Doctrine Fluxions iii. vii. 274 The Times of describing any Spaces uniformly are as the Spaces directly, and the Velocities reciprocally.1796Hutton Math. Dict. I. 384/2 Quantities are said to be directly proportional, when the proportion is according to the order of the terms.1799Ct. Rumford in Phil. Trans. LXXXIX. 191 The time taken up..is..as the capacity of the body to receive and retain heat, directly, and as its conducting power, inversely.1864Bowen Logic xii. 413 The theory of gravitation, or the doctrine that every body attracts every other body with a force which is directly as its mass and inversely as the square of its distance.
2. At right angles to a surface; perpendicularly; vertically; not obliquely.
1559W. Cuningham Cosmogr. Glasse 29 Take a quadrant..and set it directly upright.1563W. Fulke Meteors (1640) 4 b, In place where the Sunnes beames strike directly against the earth..the heate is so great, that [etc.].1665Hooke Microgr. 130 This does shoot or propend directly downwards.1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 186 Nearer the Equator the Sun and Stars ascend and descend more directly, but the farther from the Equator the more obliquely.1745P. Thomas Jrnl. Anson's Voy. 243 They use a Pencil, held..not obliquely, as our Painters, but directly, as if the Paper were to be prick'd.Mod. The wind is blowing directly on shore.
3. Astron. In the order of the signs, from west to east. See direct a. 3.
1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xxii. vi, The bodies above to have their moving In the xii. signes..Some rethrogarde, and some dyrectly.
4. Completely, absolutely, entirely, exactly, precisely, just.
Esp. in directly contrary (see direct a. 4 e); thence extended to other relations.
c1400Apol. Loll. 4 If he..leuiþ to wirke, and doþ contrarily directly.1455Rolls of Parlt. V. 280 Entendyng to drawe directly togidres with you.1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. ii. (1882) 88 It is most directly against the word of God.1601Shakes. Twel. N. iii. iv. 73 This concurres directly with the Letter.1665Hooke Microgr. 192, I found one described and Figur'd directly like that which I had by me.1696tr. Du Mont's Voy. Levant 219 It stands directly in the middle of the City, between the Old and New Town.1720Swift Mod. Education Wks. 1755 II. ii. 31 In better times it was directly otherwise.1768Boswell Corsica (ed. 2) 356 He was directly such a venerable hermit as we read of in the old romances.1863M. Howitt F. Bremer's Greece II. ii. 20 The wind..is directly contrary.1891Sir R. V. Williams in Law Times' Rep. LXV. 608/2, I find no decision directly in point on this question.
5. Without the intervention of a medium or agent; immediately; by a direct process or mode.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 165 Immediatly or mediatly, that is to say, without meane, or by some meane, directly or indirectly.a1533Frith Wks. 147 (R.) Now of this maior or first proposition thus vnderstand, doth the conclusion folowe directly.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxviii. 163 Corporall Punishment is that, which is inflicted on the body directly..such as are stripes or wounds.1816Keatinge Trav. (1817) I. 58 When the needful does not come directly out of their own pockets.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. v. 251 The sun cannot get directly at the deeper portions of the snow.1870Max Müller Sc. Relig. (1873) 137 A universal primeval language revealed directly by God to man.
6. a. Immediately (in time); straightway; at once.
1602Shakes. Ham. iii. ii. 219 And who in want a hollow friend doth try, Directly seasons him his enemy.1743Bulkeley & Cummins Voy. S. Seas 18 Sent the Barge ashore..to see if the Place was inhabited, and to return aboard directly.1848C. Brontë J. Eyre xxvii, He sat down: but he did not get leave to speak directly.1881Blades Caxton (1882) 230 It was probably put to press directly after if not during the translation.Mod. I will come directly. Directly after this, he was taken away.
b. colloq. as conj. As soon as, the moment after. (Elliptical for directly that, as, or when.)
1795Montford Castle I. 88 Directly you refused [his] assistance, a judgement overtook you.1827R. H. Froude Remains (1838) I. 68, I quite forget all my scepticism directly I fancy myself the object of their perception.1837J. H. Newman Proph. Office Ch. 2 But it admits of criticism, and will become suspected, directly it is accused.1837R. B. Ede Pract. Chem. 74 Iodine and phosphorus combine directly they come into contact.1857Buckle Civiliz. I. xii. 677 The celebrated work of De Lolme on the English constitution was suppressed..directly it appeared.
c. Shortly; very soon; in a little while. dial. and U.S.
1851H. Melville Moby Dick I. iii. 20 Supper?—you want supper? Supper'll be ready directly!1882‘Mark Twain’ Stolen White Elephant xvi. 268 When you say you will do a thing ‘directly’, you mean ‘immediately’; in the American language—generally speaking—the word signifies ‘after a little’.1891R. P. Chope Dial. of Hartland, Devonshire 40 Drackly or dreckly, directly; in the dialect this does not mean immediately, but shortly. ‘I'll kom drackly; I mus' finish ot I'm 'bout fust.’1936M. Mitchell Gone with Wind xlvi. 824 Scarlett..leaned over the banisters. ‘I'll be down terrectly, Rhett,’ she called.




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