

单词 digestory
释义 diˈgestory, a. and n. Obs.
[ad. L. dīgestōri-us, f. dīgest- ppl. stem of dīgerĕre to digest: see -ory.]
A. adj. = digestive.
1612Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653) 270 Digestion is simple maturation, whereby things uncocted in artificial digestory heat..is digested.
B. n. A vessel or organ of digestion.
1675Evelyn Terra (1729) 43 Of all Waters, that which descends from Heaven we find to be the richest..as having been already meteorized, and circulated in that great Digestory.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1852) I. 475 The whole human body, together with all its viscera, yea, chylopoietic digestories.




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