

单词 striped
释义 striped, ppl. a.|straɪpt|
Also 8 Sc. stripped.
[f. stripe v.2 + -ed1.
For earlier instances of striped (used predicatively, and therefore here treated as pa. pple.) see stripe v.2 It is possible that the Eng. vb. may have been evolved from striped ad. Du. strijpt or MLG. striped; cf. OHG. strîphaht (MHG. strîfeht; mod.G. gestreift), MSw. striputter.]
1. a. Marked with a stripe or stripes, having a band or bands of colour, streaked.
1617Moryson Itin. iii. 174 The Greekes..weare Shasses, that is striped linnen (commonly white and blew) wound about the skirts of a little cap.a1618Rates of Merchandizes I 1 b, Stript or tufted Canuas.1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 24 Their Junks had three Masts, wearing an East-India strip'd Ancient.1751Rep. Comm. Linen Manuf. (1773) II. 293 Chequed and Striped Linen.1752D. Stewart in Scots Mag. (1753) July 343/2 Blue stripped trowsers.1821Byron Heav. & Earth iii. 179 And the striped tiger shall lie down to die.1832Lindley Introd. Bot. 407 Striped (vittatus): when there are longitudinal stripes of one colour crossing another.1860Tyndall Glac. i. ix. 62 The shining snow with its striped faults and precipices.1874H. H. Cole Catal. Ind. Art S. Kens. Mus. 261 Woven striped pattern of green, yellow, and red..stripes alternating with bands of red.
b. In numerous specific names of animals, plants, and minerals (see quots.); also striped bass, a large North American fresh-water or marine bass of the genus Roccus, esp. R. saxatilis; striped gopher, a ground squirrel, Citellus decemlineatus, found in North America; striped mouse, a mouse with one or more stripes along its back, found in Africa and belonging to the genus Rhabdomys or Lemniscomys; striped squirrel, one of several small rodents with striped markings, esp. the North American chipmunk; striped tuna = skipjack tuna s.v. skipjack 4.
1629Parkinson Parad. (1904) 593 The peare of Ierusalem, or the stript peare, whose barke while it is young, is as plainly seene to be stript with greene, red, and yellow, as the fruit it selfe is also.1769Pennant Brit. Zool. III. 207 Striped wrasse.1781Quad. I. 250 The Striped Hyæna.1783Latham Gen. Synop. Birds II. i. 349 Striped Flycatcher.1796J. Morse Amer. Universal Geogr. I. 203 The Striped Squirrel is still less than the [red squirrel].1815Aikin Min. (ed. 2) 244 Striped jasper. Occurs massive.1818Amer. Monthly Mag. II. 295 The striped bass..is another excellent salt-water fish.1832J. Rennie Consp. Butterfl. & M. 25 The Striped Hawk (Deilephila Livornica).1842Z. Thompson Hist. Vermont i. 174 Striped Maple. Acer Pennsylvanicum.1854Thoreau Walden 323, I am on the alert for the first signs of spring, to hear..the striped squirrel's chirp.1859Bartlett Dict. Amer. (ed. 2) 458 Striped bass. [1900H. A. Bryden Animals Afr. v. 48 The pretty little Striped Barbary Mouse..is a very different kind of animal.]1901H. Seebohm Birds of Siberia xxx. 308 The peasant had shot me a couple of striped squirrels.1922Pacific Fisherman Feb. 12/2 Striped tuna..is required to be designated with the qualifying adjective ‘striped’.1932Discovery Nov. 364/2 Pythons are so sluggish that they have been nibbled to death by striped mice.1941E. T. Seton Trail of Artist-Naturalist 299 Gone..also the striped gopher, whose labyrinths are only four inches down.1951Tressler & Lemon Marine Products of Commerce (ed. 2) xx. 445 Skipjack..is also known as the striped tuna from the markings on the body.1956W. R. Bird Off-Trail in Nova Scotia ii. 48 I've been after striped bass in many places up and down the coast of America but this is the best of them all.1963G. H. Thomson Crocus Country xx. 133 At this time [sc. 1905] there were quite a few striped gophers left, though later they entirely disappeared, driven out, it was said, by their bigger grey cousins.1973Stand. Encycl. S. Afr. IX. 248/1 Some, like the striped mouse.., are diurnal.1974Calhoun Times (St. Matthews, S. Carolina) 18 Apr. 3/3 Some 200 striped bass are swimming through Lakes Marion and Moultrie with special tags attached.
c. Of muscular fibre: Divided by transverse bands into striations.
1850Phil. Trans. R. Soc. CXL. 515 Muscles are now named according to their function, voluntary and unvoluntary; or according to their structure, striped and unstriped.1854Orr's Circ. Sci., Organic Nat. I. 48 One of these [kinds] occurs in the voluntary muscles, and is named, from conspicuous cross markings, the striped muscular fibre.1880Gibbes Histol. 73 Striped muscle is best shown in one of the large water beetles, Hydrophilus piceus.
d. Masonry. striped work, chisel marks made across a stone at an angle of 45°.
1842Gwilt Encycl. Arch. §1914 Striped work must also be first droved and then striped.
e. Of a person: Entitled to wear a (good-conduct, etc.) stripe.
1890Pall Mall Gaz. 12 June 5/2 in the E.C. district all the striped men were ordered to have their stripes forfeited.
f. striped trousers (typically worn by civil servants, businessmen, etc.), used allusively to indicate the wearer's status, and, by extension, bureaucracy, formality, etc.; by metonymy, a civil servant, etc.; so striped-trouser(ed) adj.; similarly (chiefly U.S.) striped pants. Cf. pin-stripe, pin-striped a.
1933Dylan Thomas Let. Oct. (1966) 37 Oh to look..different from the striped trouser lads.1945‘G. Orwell’ in New Saxon Pamphlets iii. 38 The striped-trousered ones will rule, but so long as they are forced to maintain an intelligentsia, the intelligentsia will have a certain amount of autonomy.1946Koestler Thieves in Night 220 At the end emerged the striped-trousered finished product.1958S. Hyland Who goes Hang? xxxiii. 140 He was almost in tears. Black tears with striped trousers.1968W. Safire New Lang. Politics 398/2 The diplomatic niceties of ‘striped-pants’ diplomacy.1972M. Gilbert Body of Girl xxiv. 206 A crook in striped trousers turns my stomach.1974‘D. Kyle’ Raft of Swords x. 97 They may be useful. So may the striped-trousers in the Foreign Secretary's entourage.1976G. Markstein Man from Yesterday xi. 59 ‘Who's had to apologize?’ ‘The gentlemen in striped pants.’1977Time 9 May 22/3 His youthful diplomatic appointee's aversion to striped-pants airs.1977‘J. le Carré’ Honourable Schoolboy i. 24 Ring every damned striped-pants in the Colony!1981New Standard 1 Sept. 14/6 An old-fashioned striped-trouser diplomat.
g. Of cine film: having a magnetic stripe (stripe n.3 1 e).
[1956J. J. Rose Amer. Cinematographer Hand Bk. & Ref. Guide (ed. 9) 7 (Advt.), Your pre-striped film with magnetic sound lip-synchronized to your picture.]1972E. & D. Schultz How to make Exciting Home Movies xi. 131 Your splicer can get magnetized when it's used on a film already striped.
2. U.S. ? = streaked ppl. a. 2.
1839Morning Post (Boston) 4 July 2/2 She made a remark, which, if reported in full, would make one of O.F.M. [sc. Our First Men] feel decidedly striped.1840Haliburton Clockm. Ser. iii. ix, That's the reason married folks are so everlastin' striped; they never romp.
3. In parasynthetic adjs. Cf. stripe n.3 10.
1731Miller Gard. Dict. s.v. Tilia, The strip'd-leav'd Lime-tree.1782Latham Gen. Synop. Birds I. ii. 563 Striped-bellied Woodpecker.1783Ibid. II. i. 275 Striped Headed Finch.1829Griffith tr. Cuvier VII. 418 Striped-tailed or Angola Hornbill.1859Wood Illustr. Nat. Hist. I. 482 The Banded Bandicoot, or Striped-backed Bandicoot.




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