

单词 rancour
释义 I. rancour, n.|ˈræŋkə(r)|
Forms: 4–6 rankor, -our, (5 -oure, -owre, -ure), 6 ranckor, 6–7 ranker; 4 rauncour, 5–6 rancoure, 3– rancor, 4– rancour.
[a. OF. rancor, -cour, -cuer, raunkour, etc.:—L. rancōr-em rancidity, rankness, hence (in the Vulgate) bitter grudge.]
1. Inveterate and bitter ill-feeling, grudge, or animosity; malignant hatred or spitefulness.
[a1225Ancr. R. 200 Þe oðer kundel is Rancor siue odium: þet is, hatunge oðer great heorte.]13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 756, I schal..my rankor refrayne for þy reken wordez.c1380Sir Ferumb. 5759 Fyrumbras..prayede him cesse of his rauncour.1413Pilgr. Sowle ii. xlv. (1859) 51 Wretched folke and irous, ful of venym, of rancour, and of hate.c1440Jacob's Well 249 Whanne þou mercyfully forȝeuyst þi wrongys, wyth-oute wreche & rankure in herte, þat is mercy.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lxxxiv. 266, I..pardon you of all myn yll wyll, and put al rancoure fro me.1547J. Harrison Exhort. Scottes A iv b, Peace in their mouthes, and all rancor and vengeaunce in their hartes.1605Willet Hexapla Gen. 234 Yet doe retaine ranker and seedes of malice in their heart.1667Milton P.L. x. 1044 Rancor and pride, impatience and despite.1725Pope Odyss. iii. 182 Each burns with rancour to the adverse side.1828D'Israeli Chas. I, II. vii. 174 To envy..Charles traced their personal rancour to the friend of his heart.1865Maffei Brig. Life II. 37 The gratification of private rancour, and personal revenge.
b. transf. and fig. of things.
1582Stanyhurst æneis i. (Arb.) 22 Billows theire swelling ranckor abated.1605Camden Rem. 207 Through the rancor of the poyson, the wound was iudged incurable.1663Butler Hud. i. i. 364 The peaceful Scabbard..The Rancor of its edge had felt.1719D'Urfey Pills (1872) I. 48 Let the frozen North its rancour show.1860Emerson Cond. Life, Power Wks. (Bohn) II. 333 The rancour of the disease attests the strength of the constitution.
2. Rancid smell; rancidity; rankness. Obs. rare.
c1400Laud Troy Bk. 6028 Ther come of hem a foul savour And smot to hem a gret rancour.c1420Pallad. on Husb. xi. 111 Lest rancour oil enfecte, do fier away.1567J. Maplet Naturall Hist. 33 b, It is also said somtime through the rancour of grounds to come vp vnsowne.
Hence ˈrancourless a., free from rancour.
1886H. James Bostonians II. ii. xx. 26 She was too rancourless,..too free from private self-reference.
II. ˈrancour, v. Now rare or Obs.
[f. prec.]
1. intr. To have rancorous feelings; to rankle.
1530Palsgr. 679/1, I ranker by wrathe or anger, je rancune.1640Habington Edw. IV 130 Unlesse some malice rancord in the genius of our Nation against the French.
2. trans. To infect with rancour; to make rancorous.
1654R. Boreman Triumph of Faith Ep. Ded., Men (not rancord with envy) usually love in others what they see in themselves.a1711Ken Edmund Poet. Wks. 1721 II. 313 Despite and Fury ranker'd Hanguar's Breast.
Hence ˈrancoured ppl. a.; ˈrancouring vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1567J. Maplet Naturall Hist. 10 b, It kepeth the place of vstion, free and cleare from yil smelling and rancoring.1600W. Watson Decacordon (1602) 129 Thou kepst the venime in thy rankred hart.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. viii. §36. 553 The King..esteemed the Popes..loue as most rancored hatred.1728Morgan Algiers II. i. 217 The vanquished Moors swarmed over into Africa, bearing rancoured Hearts against the successful Spaniards.a1814Forgery ii. iii. in New Brit. Theatre I. 452 Her detested vile inconstancy Which with a rancoring silence I must bear.




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