

单词 denounce
释义 I. denounce, v.|dɪˈnaʊns|
Also 4–5 denounse, 4–6 denunce, 5 denouns, Sc. denwns, 6 denonce.
[a. OF. denoncier, -noncer (in 12th c. denuntier):—L. dēnuntiāre (-ciāre) to give official intimation (by a messenger, etc.), f. de- I. 3 + nuntiāre (nunciāre) to make known, report.]
1. To give formal, authoritative, or official information of; to proclaim, announce, declare; to publish, promulgate:
a. a matter of fact, tidings, information, etc. Obs.
1382Wyclif 2 Thess. iii. 10 This thing we denounsiden..to ȝou [Rhem. this we denounced to you; Vulg. hoc denunciabamus vobis] for if ony man wole not worche, nether ete he.c1449Pecock Repr. i. xii. 60 The Euangelie of God..which to alle men ouȝte be denouncid.c1500Melusine 188 Anthony & Regnald came to theire fader & moder, and denounced to them these tydinges.1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1684) I. 488/2 The same reconcilement [was] publickly denounced in the Church of Westminster.1609Bible (Douay) Ps. lxxxvii. comm., When I shal be dead and buried, I can not denounce thy praises as now I can to mortal men.a1677Barrow Wks. (1686) II. 62 By this man remission of sins is denounced unto you.1726Ayliffe Parergon 70 All Beadles and Apparitors..are forbidden..to denounce or publish any such Sentence.
b. an event about to take place: usually of a calamitous nature, as war or death, and thus passing into 3. Obs. or arch.
1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1821) I. 53 That the king sall nothir denonce weir, nor treit peace, but advise of the capitanis of tribis.1597Daniel Civ. Wars (1609) iv. lxxxiv, Whose Herald, Sickenes, being employd before With full commission to denounce his end.1609Bible (Douay) Ps. cxviii. comm., Geving thanks..at the Cocke-crowing, because at that time the coming of the day is denounced.1631Weever Anc. Fun. Mon. 683 An Officer at Armes, whose function is to denounce warre, to proclaime peace.a1665Digby Priv. Mem. (1827) 199 To..denounce them war.1718Freethinker No. 16 ⁋6 An approaching Comet, denounced through every Street, by the noisy Hawkers.1855Milman Lat. Chr. (1864) II. iv. i. 197 Mohammed himself..had not only vaguely denounced war against mankind in the Koran but contemplated..unlimited conquests.
c. Const. with subord. clause. Obs.
1388Wyclif Num. xviii. 26 Comaunde thou, and denounse to the dekenes, Whanne ȝe han take tithis of the sones of Israel..offre ȝe the first fruytis of tho to the Lord.c1500Melusine 19 A forester cam to denounce to the Erle Emery how there was within the fforest of Coulombyers the moost meruayllous wildbore that euer was sen byfore.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 111 First of all I suppose no man will deny, but that Paule doth denounce men to be Justified by fayth.1611Bible Deut. xxx. 18, I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish.1660tr. Amyraldus' Treat. conc. Relig. iii. v. 396 God denounced that he would cause the Deluge to come upon the Earth.1793Objections to War Examined 27 Scarcely a sitting passes..but some Department..or Town is denounced to be in a state of insurrection.1818Jas. Mill Brit. India II. v. vii. 596 To denounce to him that a failure in this respect would be treated as equivalent to an absolute refusal.
2. transf. Of things: To make known or announce, esp. in the manner of a sign or portent; to portend. Obs.
1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 5 Then should your three Invectives have vomited lesse slaunders and reproches, and denounced you a more charitable man & farre deeper Divine.1595Shakes. John iii. iv. 159 Meteors, prodigies, and signes, Abbortiues, presages and tongues of heauen, Plainly denouncing vengeance vpon Iohn.1667Milton P.L. ii. 106 His look denounc'd Desperate revenge, and Battel dangerous To less than Gods.1706Estcourt Fair Examp. iii. i, A yellow or dark Spot upon the middle Finger, with me denounces Trouble, and a white one promises Joy.1751Johnson Rambler No. 155 ⁋6 They would readily..catch the first alarm by which destruction or infamy is denounced.
3. To announce or proclaim in the manner of a threat or warning (punishment, vengeance, a curse, etc.).
1632J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Eromena 4 He delivered the horse into his charge, as a speciall steed of the Kings: denouncing him his Majesties indignation, if he permitted any one [etc.].1687T. Brown Saints in Uproar Wks. 1730 I. 73 There's nothing but fire and desolation denounc'd on both sides.1721Berkeley Prevent. Ruin Gt. Brit. Wks. III. 201 Isaiah denounced a severe judgment against the ladies of his time.1837W. Irving Capt. Bonneville III. 121 Captain Wyeth..had heard the Crows denounce vengeance on them, for having murdered two of their warriors.1875E. White Life in Christ ii. xiv. (1878) 158 The Curses were to be denounced from Mount Ebal.
4. To proclaim, declare, or pronounce (a person) to be (something):
a. usually cursed, outlawed, or something bad. to denounce to the horn (Sc. Law): publicly to proclaim a rebel with the ceremony of horning. Obs. or arch.
a1300Cursor M. 29251 (Cott.) Þe [man] þat brekes kirkes grith, and es denunced cursd þar-wit.c1425Wyntoun Cron. vii. ix. 534 Schyr Willame Besat gert for-þi Hys chapelane..Denwns cursyd wyth Buk and Bell All þei, þat had part Of þat brynnyn, or ony art.c1555Harpsfield Divorce Hen. VIII (1878) 182 She..was denounced..contumas, and a citation decerned for her appearance.1579Sc. Arts. Jas. VI (1597) §75 The disobedience of the processe of horning is sa great..that the persones denunced rebelles takes na feare theirof.Ibid., The partie swa denunced to the Horne.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 466 He accurseth and denounceth himselfe for a damned creature.1709Strype Ann. Ref. I. xxv. 281 He was solemnly denounced excommunicate by the President.1802E. Parsons Myst. Visit. IV. 50 Her..dislike to the late Mrs. Clifford led her to denounce her a base, false woman.1861W. Bell Dict. Law Scotl. 274/2 A messenger-at-arms..thereafter denounced the debtor rebel, and put him to the horn, as it is termed, by three blasts of a horn.1879Dixon Windsor II. vii. 76 A safer plan was to denounce him as a public enemy.
b. To proclaim king, emperor, etc. Obs.
1494Fabyan Chron. vi. clxiv. 159 The sayde pope..crownyd hym with y⊇ imperyall dyademe and denounced hym as emperoure.c1534tr. Pol. Verg. Eng. Hist. (Camden) I. 102 Constantine was denounced emperowre of the Romaine soldiars.1610Holland Camden's Brit. (1637) 85 (D.) His sonne Constans, whom..he had denounced Augustus or Emperor.
5. To declare or make known (an offender) to the authorities; to inform against, delate, accuse.
1485Bull Innoc. VIII in Camden Misc. (1847), To denunce, and declare or cause to be denunced and declared alle suche contrary doers and rebelles.1533More Apol. Wks. 886/1 Those therfore that speake heresies, euery good man that hereth them is bounden to denounce or accuse them, and the bishoppes are bounden vpon theire wordes proued to putte them to penaunce and reforme theym.1726Ayliffe Parergon 99 Archdeacons..shall..denounce such of them as are negligent..to the Bishop.1883Times 3 Apr. 4 She had half a mind to denounce him that she might save the lives or the liberty of the tools who might be compromised.1887Bowen Virg. æneid ii. 83 Palamedes..Falsely denounced, and to death unjust by the Danaans done.
6. a. To declare (a person or thing) publicly to be wicked or evil, usually implying the expression of righteous indignation; to bring a public accusation against; to inveigh against openly; to utter denunciations against.
1664,1821[see denouncer c].1825J. Neal Bro. Jonathan III. 443 Humanity! I forswear it— I denounce it! what have I to do with humanity?1863Geo. Eliot Romola (1880) I. Introd. 8 Savonarola..denounced with a rare boldness the worldliness and vicious habits of the clergy.1875Bryce Holy Rom. Emp. xvi. (ed. 5) 280 Others scorned and denounced him as an upstart, a demagogue, and a rebel.
b. absol. or intr.
1837E. Howard Old Commodore iii, He first petitioned, then remonstrated, and, foolish boy! at last denounced.1888Mrs. H. Ward Robert Elsmere xl, I went to confront, to denounce you!.. I went to denounce..and the Lord refused it to me.
7. To give formal notice of the termination of (an armistice, treaty, etc.). [So F. dénoncer.]
1842Alison Hist. Europe (1850) XII. lxxx. §7. 90 The armistice was denounced on the 11th, but, by its conditions, six days more were to elapse before hostilities could be resumed.1879Times 16 June, The French Government has ‘denounced’ the existing commercial treaties.1885Manch. Exam. 20 May 5/2 Either party would be at liberty..to denounce the arrangement upon giving a year's notice.
8. Mining. (In Mexico and Spanish America.) To give formal notice to the authorities of the discovery of (a new mine) or of the abandonment or forfeiture of (an old one); hence, to claim the right to work (a mine) on the ground of such information or discovery. [= Sp. denunciar.]
1881E. G. Squier in Encycl. Brit. XII. 132/1 (Honduras) Opals are frequent, principally in the vicinity of Erandique, where as many as sixteen mines have been ‘denounced’ in a single year.1886Mining Circular, One mining claim denounced and occupied in conformity with the mining laws of Mexico.
9. ? To renounce. Obs. rare.
c1325E.E. Allit. P. B. 106 Certez þyse ilk renkez þat me renayed habbe & denounced..Schul neuer sitte in my sale my soper to fele.
Hence deˈnounced ppl. a.
1552Huloet, Denounced, denunciatus, indictus.1592Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1597) §143 The denunced persones landes, gudes or geir.1754Erskine Princ. Sc. Law (1809) 38 He had also right..to the single escheat of all denounced persons residing within his jurisdiction.1845T. W. Coit Puritanism 521 This poor denounced Virginia.
II. deˈnounce, n. Obs. rare.
[f. denounce v. Cf. obs. F. dénonce in Godef.]
= denouncement.
1705J. Robins Hero of Age i. vi. 7 But Haughty Louis hop'd the Fate to Mock, Seems to deride her brave Denounce of War.




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